Nadia grimaces. “Sure thing.”

The short tattooed brunette shifts awkwardly from foot to foot once the three of us are alone. Conversely, Sera is cool as a cucumber. My rock star friend is a Trinity princess, and she’s on high alert, correctly gauging that I have a bone to pick with our newest member. Sera’s black hair is sporting hot pink ends that add an edge to her classically beautiful Italian features. The modified drumsticks she’s using to secure her locks at the top of her head are as deceptively innocent as the woman herself. On the surface, Sera is a delicate doll. A pampered musician. It’s the undercurrent of danger that radiates from her that made her the obvious choice as back up for this discussion.

It also involves one of her men.

The scary truth is that Seraphina Noguera-Tomás is sweet as candy until you push her too far... after which she’ll stab you in the throat whilst whistling Mozart’s Queen of the Night aria. I have my suspicions that she has killed before, and won’t hesitate to do it again if someone comes for the loved ones. A wise man once said game recognise game. Sera has the same killer instinct I possess. The same merciless that Nadia and my other M&M girls employ. I trust almost everyone who witnessed my showdown with Lazarus to keep their mouths shut.

With one exception.

“I have a question, Gab.”

Scratching her nails across the purple tulips that cover her chest, the younger woman doesn’t meet my eyes as she says, “Shoot.”

“Do you plan on telling anyone about Lazarus’ coincidental resemblance to Venom?”

Next to me, Sera’s breathing stutters.

She’s on full alert.

Ready to defend us if it comes to it.

“God, no.” Her expression is filled with hurt when she lifts her head to meet my eyes. The vehemence lacing her tone sets some of my unease at bay. “As far as I am aware... Venom is dead and buried, and Lazarus Abaddon is his long-lost cousin who spent most of his life in Europe.” Gabbi twists her lips in a forlorn grimace. “Hence the mongrel accent.”

Her answer is technically right.

It’s not enough to calm my suspicions.

One glance at Sera tells me that she agrees.

“You heard him admit that he faked his death... so you know that’s not true.”

“I don’t know what you want from me,” Gabbi snaps. With an angry twists of her hair around her finger, she drops my gaze and glares at the floor. “Ven—I mean, Lazarus is my friend. I’d never get him hurt.” The baleful look she shoots my way is filled with resentment, but I catch the deception that simmers beneath the surface. Stiffening her spine, she pulls to her full height and draws her eyebrows together to scowl at me. “Look, I don’t have to listen to this bullshit. Not gonna stay somewhere I’m not trusted. I’m out.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.”

“Sure you are,” she scoffs. “I figured you were better than this.”

I’m shaking from head to toe as my own rage begins to get the better of me. Once she pulls the front door open, I hit her with another question.

“Why didn’t you pull a weapon earlier? I know you have one. Also know Diablo has taught you how to use it.”

“Fuck you, Lily... that’s none of your business.” Sera removes the drumsticks from her hair, then she unsheathes the ends to reveal the thin blades inside. I raise the Sig Sauer that Hunter gave me earlier. The colour drains from Gabbi’s face, and she raises her hands on either side of her head. “Listen... I can explain. It’s not what you think?—”

“Oh,” I muse absentmindedly as I move toward the intercom on the adjacent wall. “So, you haven’t been texting details about Lazarus and the Shamrocks to a member of the Cerulli Famiglia?” My rock star bestie groans when I mention the underworld crime family of one of her bandmates—and one of her three lovers. Hitting the gold button, I announce, “Can Layla and Hunter meet me in the foyer please? I have a present for you both.”

“Lily... please,” Gabbi implores. She is wild-eyed as she blurts, “They have my sister and my little brother. My mum owes them money. I had to give them something.”

My blood boils with rage as I whirl on her.

There’s a hitch in my stride when I approach her, but I don’t care.

She risked my man’s life to save her own skin.

“Don’t call me Lily.” I slap her across the face. Gabbi’s head whips to the side. It’s nothing she hasn’t felt in the middle of a fight, so I’m shocked when a tear rolls down her cheek. “Only my friends call me that... and we are definitely not friends.” The younger girl whimpers when Hunter appears behind me. I don’t need to look at him to know how intimidating he can be when his sense of justice is upset. “Friends come to each other for help—they don’t sell each other out.”

“I’m sorry?—”

“Go see your babies,” Hunter speaks over her. His voice is full of violence. There is uncustomary affection in his touch when he gives me a fleeting pat on the shoulder. “You’re a badarse Cherub. I’ll take it from here, though.”