“Sounds like a plan.”
After saying my goodbyes to the morning team, I try to find my way through my new home. It’s a lot bigger than Slash’s, almost double the size, with a bunch of guest rooms, an oversized office with two executive desks and an attached study. I haven’t even ventured onto the second floor or down to the subterranean level yet, but I have heard the talk about the elevator that comes as part of the package.
Unfortunately, every wrong turn I make only increases my suspicions that Lazarus lied.
There is no way I paid fair market value for this home.
I know how much Slash’s house is worth and this one would have to be twice the price.
Which is not even close to what I paid...
When I managed to discover the main kitchen, I find all of my friends assembled around the giant dining table that fills a dining room the size of a small restaurant. They’re drinking coffee and embroidering. The project I started when I was in hospital hasn’t been touched for five days, and it’s somewhere upstairs in the bedroom I am yet to explore.
In view of that, I take a seat next to Nadia. Stealing Garrett from her, I content myself with cradling my son, and press kisses to kiss chubby cheeks. He giggles and slobbers all over my neck in return.
“Eat up.” Crystal appears out of nowhere to slide a perfectly cooked chicken breast, stuffed potato, and salad in front of me. “Every morsel, mo ulaidh bheag.”
Rolling my eyes, I salute her. “Yes, Mumma C.”
She makes a pincer motion in the direction of my ear.
“You can’t twist my ear, I have stitches.”
“In your stomach.” She laughs when I feign horror at her retort. “Call me Mumma C again... and see what I do.”
Hearing Crystal’s amusement lightens my heart.
I am surrounded by love.
Which is better than most people have it.
Sure, I kicked out the men I love and consigned us to a six-month sex drought.
But, it was the only hand I had left to play after they went behind my back to discharge the twins and build an expensive medical clinic in my house. I know they were coming from a good place, but that doesn’t make their contempt for my boundaries sting any less.
My request was simple.
No lies.
No secrets.
No leaving.
Neither man has been able to abide by their promise for more than a few days in a row. Slash is hiding things from me. There’s a storm brewing around him, the Shamrocks, and the Blackards that involves the Maddison clan and my dad. He still refuses to appoint a VP. The enmity between him and Hunter is another worry—not that my husband will deign to explain what started it.
And don’t get me started on Lazarus.
That man has secrets piled on top of secrets.
He will never see me as an equal until I slap him in the face with the truth.
I am just as lethal as he is, and I’ve proven it multiple times already.
Together, they pushed me to the edge.
Took my patience too far.
I love them.