The argument I anticipate when she does electrifies the blood in my veins.

I mightn’t be able to claim her in the way I crave. That doesn’t mean I can’t engage in some prolonged foreplay. There is nothing more exhilarating than my sweet thing when she’s in a rage. Her ineffectual attempts at establishing dominance are a turn-on. The tenacious side to Lily’s personality has always been my favourite aphrodisiac. Toying with her, pushing us both to the edge, denying the relief we seek, is the key to managing my unending need for her.

Torturous as it may be....

“How?” My sweet thing is confused, and I’d wager it more to do with our reaction than it is over the truth being revealed. “She promised?—”

“The house was mine.” Cutting off Lily’s objection, I tell her. “I’ve been living there since you left the farmhouse.”

In the silence that grips the bedroom, the slide of material is loud as I strip off my trousers. Laying everything over the back of the rocking chair, I adjust the waistband of my boxer-briefs, then my stride eats up the distance between me and my woman. Behind her, Slash remains propped on his elbow, staring at me with a cagey look. His expression hardens when I tangle my fingers in the hair at Lily’s nape and angle her head so I can devour her mouth.

He growls.

I flick my gaze to him, locking eyes, then dismissing him so I can take my fill.

This room is my domain.

The one place I can freely worship metukà shelì.

Out there, I have to be Lazarus Abaddon.

The Adjudicator. A viticulture tycoon. Venom’s cousin.

Whether the people on our periphery fully believe my new identity or not.

That means keeping my distance, pretending that I haven’t been head over heels for this woman since she was too young for me. In the light, we hide our connection from the rest of the world. I can accept the ruse because Venom’s death has removed the main threat hanging over her head. As the Adjudicator, I can shield Lily from the Maddisons and their malevolence. Thanks to Slash stepping up as president, and Crystal revealing that she’s still alive, the underworld respects Lily as the wife of the Shamrocks National president and the nephew of a Trinity UK leader.

His children—biological or not—are MC and guild legacies.

Between Slash and Lazarus, we can protect her.

“The compromises aren’t equal,” I tell him in a low tone.

“Never said they were.”

The rough timbre to his voice makes my woman stiffen.

“Try to remember that.” Sweeping my fingers along the column of Lily’s throat, I smirk at the jealousy that flares in his eyes. He doesn’t own her throat. He doesn’t own her at all. She’s free to love us as she chooses—different but equal. Another brush of my fingers sends a visible shiver through my sweet thing. “Because things only go your way when there’s an audience... outside’a that, this is a democracy, and the majority rules.”

“Doesn’t feel much like a democracy,” Slash grumbles. “Feels like you’re tryna dictate just like you used to?—”

“Slash.” Lily reaches forward to press two fingers to his lips. With her other hand, she covers mine. It’s one of the few times she’s willingly touched me since I lost my shit and destroyed the dash of my G-Wagon. My pulse picks up pace, spiralling toward the stratosphere when she croons, “Lazarus.”


When my eyes lock with Slash’s, I see his remorse.

“Sweet thing—” I swipe my lips over her temple. “—It’s okay.”

“I don’t want any arguments. Not on my first night home. Not with Garrett in the same room.” She blows out a harsh exhale. “Not ever if I have a say in it.”

Lily’s husband nods as he rolls over.

I can feel his agitation, but decide that it’s not my place to get between them.

Pushing back to his feet, Slash looms over her. “You needa stop tryna control everythin’, baby... gotta let things take their course so we can settle into a new semblance of normalcy.” The look he cuts my way is filled with resignation. “I’mma sleep in my bed tonight. Give you some space. Take the heat outta this.”

“Fuck me,” I curse. He scoops his clothes from the floor. I meet him halfway between the foot of the bed and the door. Holding my hands up, chest height, I force him to stop. “You needa halt your roll, brother. ‘Cause shit’s gotta be calm and solid for Lily and the kids.”