I should be wary of my first love’s equanimity, but he keeps slipping under my guard too.

“What about the twins?” My skin prickles with awareness. I hug my middle to comfort myself. Every now and then, I feel the sensation of being watched. I originally thought it was Lazarus, but it happened again today when I was exiting Slash’s Range Rover to enter the hospital. “They also need protection.”

“They have an entire team on them, plus constant cyber surveillance.” Buttoning his jacket, Lazarus continues to explain the protection he’s surrounding the twins. “Every nurse that attends to them is fully vetted and under strict observation. I’ve taken every precaution—nothing will happen to them.”

“The Shamrocks are helping, too.” My husband stands next to Lazarus. He chucks me under the chin, adoration in his gaze as he peers down at me. “Our worry is you, duchess.”

“Exactly,” my first love states. The clarity in his tone makes me aware that he sees through my stalling tactics. “Brutus and the Maddison clan have eyes for you. They know that waging war against our children won’t get them closer to their goals. Taking you from under our noses is their only logical move.”

“Okay. We’ll head home then.”

In unison, they fold their arms across their chest.

Suspicion brightens their gazes in the wake of my easy acquiescence.

Seeing them, side by side, regarding me with the same stern expression is a throwback to better times. Too many times, they’ve ganged up on me like this. A formidable duo. Two strong men with eyes only for me. It’s enthralling, the mixture of severe devotion and tender worry. I’ve dreamt of this moment, even when I tricked myself into believing that my first love was dead, yet I can’t bring myself to trust that everything can fall into place this easily. They are acting as if the recriminations and lies are years in the past when the reality is that the most recent deceptions are a week old.

I need time alone to assess my feelings.

Distance between us so I can work out what I want.

Unfortunately, time and space are the two things they can’t give me.

Not with my father continuing his pursuit of vengeance and Hugh St. James using the reach of the Maddison clan to torment us. The attacks on anyone linked to the Shamrocks in the vaguest ways are ramping up. Unpredictable, and devoid of honour and standards, the Maddisons have expanded their influence overseas.

The disappearance of Ziva’s secret boyfriend is only the beginning of our travails.

Jep’s fight in America was cancelled without explanation. His visa was revoked and all of the Blackards were added to the no-fly list. Seraphina’s solo music career is being impacted too. This comes on the heels of Apologies to Medusa’s tour being postponed due to escalating bomb threats. Serena’s modelling career has stalled as well. Her bookings have dried up, even though Fashion Week is approaching. Indi was expelled from boarding school, the guise paper thin since she is innocent of the charges against her, and she was sent home in the middle of the final term of her last year at school.

My friends’ lives are being affected by the clan and their allies.

Because of their connection to me and the Shamrocks.

I don’t know how to help—not when I’m drowning under my own problems.

“What?” I demand when the two men continue to stare at me. “You don’t have to worry about me... I’m not going to do anything stupid.”

“You’re hidin’ somethin’,” my husband retorts. “It’s time to spill, duchess.”

“I have nothing to hide,” I tell Slash. “You’re paranoid.”

Lazarus chuckles. “Nice deflection, Lily.”

“You’re as delusional as he is.”

When they exchange a loaded look, I roll my eyes. Shaking my head, I wave goodbye to the nurse who’s helped us during our visit with the twins. After signing out, I step out into the corridor, groaning when I discover Layla and Cub making out. My adopted brother has the black-haired woman pinned to the wall. Her arms are held above her head, his knee jammed between her thighs, and he’s kissing her with the kind of intensity I don’t need to witness.

It’s a type of ferocity I wouldn’t have imagined him capable of exhibiting.

Cub is my gentle brother.

A lover not a fighter.

This side of him is not kind.

It’s downright mean, cruel and demanding.

“Get a room,’ I quip as I stride past. The hunger in Cub’s usually meek expression reminds me that it’s been almost two months since I was lusted after. It’s a stupid idea considering I have internal stitches as well as Steri-Strips and a bandage covering the incision in my abdomen. A flare of pain, in my heart and my stomach, makes my next statement harsher than intended. “And use protection. We don’t need any more oops babies just now.”