My cheeky comment is met with a girlish giggle. “I don’t think I do.”

As I silently observe the two men in dad-mode, I feel one of the dozens of cracks they’ve put in my heart begin to heal.

They have a long way to go.

I have a long way to go.

We’ve all let each other down over the years, and I’m aware that I’m not totally blameless in the drama that stalks us, yet it’s clear that we can pull together if we try.

When my chin begins to wobble, I press my fingertips to my lips.

If Garrett was with us, and the twins were healthier than they are, this would be perfect.

Even in these circumstances, as frightened as I am by the road ahead of us, I feel liberated.

Our secrets are slowly being exposed.

New memories are overriding old lies.

The love we share is re-solidifying by the second.

I’m not going to bend to their will, and I won’t allow them to dictate the terms of my life, beyond the precautions needed to keep our children safe, but, for the first time ever I think we might, maybe, just maybe, stand a chance as a throuple.

A girl can only hope...



A week later

“Your chariot,” I quip, bowing low in front of my wife.

Cherub cocks her head to one side and rolls her eyes. As I dart around the front of the wheelchair she was fiercely opposed to being wheeled out of the hospital in, Garrett claps his hands and giggles from his position, pride of place, on his imma’s lap. He reaches for me, so I take hold of his chubby wrist and make him give me a high five. That only makes him laugh even harder, which then sets off my wife. Her laughter is the perfect accompaniment to the bubbles of happiness filling my chest.

Lazarus isn’t so amused. Suit jacket buttoned, dark sunglasses on, he crosses his arms over his chest and glares at me with his best man in black impersonation. I quirk my eyebrows with unspoken enjoyment of his displeasure. He’s sulking because he lost our argument over which vehicle to bring today. My Range Rover is just as safe as his G-Wagon, and it isn’t connected to the Trinity in any way.

Cub swept it twice for electronic tracking just to be sure.

“We could be home by now,” Lazarus remarks. He scoops my son from Cherub’s lap and hands him to me, then takes hold of my wife’s hands and helps her to her feet. “But, we had to bring the Rover.” After my duchess slaps at him when he tries to assist her into the backseat, I smirk. My humour dims when he grumbles, “Motherfuckin’ dick extension in custom pearl white.”

“Language.” Cherub warns him. She grimaces as she pulls herself into my Rover, and pain flares in her eyes before it’s quickly tamped down. Flapping her hands at Lazarus when he tries to secure her seatbelt, my wife declares, “You... move. I’m capable of buckling myself.” I’m next in the line of fire. “You... strap the little man into his car seat.”

This time, when Lazarus’ gaze locks with mine, we’re both smiling.

There’s nothing sexier than Lilianna Hudson when she’s being bossy.

“Chop, chop.” My wife claps her hands. “If I’m leaving my babies behind, it’s on my terms.” Like a pair of stunned yokels, we stare at her. Cherub pulls a face, unimpressed with our hesitation. “Come on, let’s go.”

I break first, moving around the back of the Rover and securing Garrett in his car seat.

Smiling, Lazarus accepts Cherub’s slaps while he secures her belt, then he closes her door.

Once we’re seated in the front of my vehicle together, we stare ahead without acknowledging the other’s irritation. Over the past week, we’ve reached an impasse whereby our jealousy remains hidden in front of Cherub while it’s open slather as soon as we’re alone. The constant flip-flop between alliance and enmity keeps me on my toes, and creates a disconnect between us that will prove unsustainable over time.

As long as our issues remain concealed from Cherub our truce will hold.

“Hey, little man.” From the backseat, my wife dotes on our son. The adoration in her voice makes my chest tight. It also pricks at my conscience because I still haven’t come to terms with how close I came to losing them both through my own rotten pride. “You better show me your new army crawl before your nap... then we can come back here and hang out with your little brother and sister for a few hours.”