“Have you spoken to Diablo about it?”

“No,” she shrieks. “He’s unhinged—he’ll just punch Jep and solve nothing.”

I laugh.

Layla’s frown deepens and she crosses her arms over her chest.

Ignoring my consigliere’s censure, I chuck Gabbi under the chin. “Shit’s serious.”

“It is.” Her eyes gleam with suppressed tears as she blinks up at me.

“You need to speak to your man,” I tell her.

The moment the words are out of my mouth, I know I’ve overstepped.

Gabbi balls her hands into fists, then she thumps me in the chest. “Fuck you... he’s not my man, and I’m not gonna deal with anymore of his rules.” Another punch, this one aimed at my gut. I absorb the blow, unwilling to let her run away from me in her current state. “If you tell him, I’ll send a tip into All-seeing Skye about Lazarus.”

Layla’s hand dips toward her lower back.

When shake my head at her, she doesn’t draw her weapon.

Although she freezes, my consigliere doesn’t return her hand to her side.

“Gab, chill...” Her threat is a rare sign of her age. Seventeen and crumbling under the weight of adult responsibilities, Gabbi is only lashing out. I won’t allow Layla to treat her like a danger to the curia, even if that is protocol when we’re threatened. “You know I won’t tell him anything you don’t want him to know.” Leaving her denial that Diablo isn’t her man unchallenged, I give the young girl another squeeze before I allow her to step away. “But he’ll find out anyway if things get bad at home again. Shit like that won’t stay secret for long.”

“I’ll tell him when I’m ready.”

“About Jep and Zali as well.”

Gabbi nods.

“Make sure you do.”

I find myself locked in a stare down with a stubborn teenager.


It continues until we’re interrupted by Layla. “Lily has arrived at the NICU—doesn’t look like she’s coming back here any time soon.”

Taking hold of Gabbi’s upper arms, I give her a small shake.

Eyebrows raised, I am deadly serious when I order, “Talk to Diablo or I will.”


As soon as Gabbi has stormed out of hearing range, I turn to face Layla. “You ever pull a weapon on Gabbi, I’ll introduce you to the reaper myself.”

“Pfft.” My 2IC is dismissive yet self-righteous as she says, “You need to watch yourself with her.”

“Why?” My answer is tossed over my shoulder because my feet are already carrying toward my sweet thing.

“It’s inappropriate.”

The snort that erupts from my nose is pure amusement. “I have eyes for one woman—have for longer than I like to acknowledge.”

“I’m not worried about you?—”

“Goth girl.” Layla is immediately skittish, looking past me to check if Cub overheard my nickname for her. Careful not to spook her, I softly touch the back of her hand. “Look at me.” She’s reticent to meet my eyes, but I step into her space as a silent request, and my consigliere widens her stance, then stiffens her spine before tipping her head back to lock gazes with me. “Gabbi is my friend.”