Knowing the forcibly retired Adjudicator, he’s still got eyes on me. The ink on our newly minted arrangement—the one that saved him from a bullet between the eyes in Catalonia—is barely dry. I don’t expect he’ll take his demotion lying down, and I don’t care. With Layla keeping a digital eye on him, and Atlas monitoring him in person, Gabriel Abaddon is snookered.
It’s petty, but I swipe the velvet box from the wheeled table before I exit Lily’s room.
It’s a victim-less crime as far as I’m concerned.
He feinted, and I parried.
Out in the corridor, Layla is waiting for me. The glimmer of malice in her dark eyes tells me that her pride is still smarting over Cub beating her to the punch with the Nguyen sisters.
“Your ex-club brothers,” Layla enunciates the second word like it’s poisonous. “Are absolutely useless. But that one—” She flicks her fingers toward the men huddled at the end of the hallway. I recognise Cub, Hunter, and Meeyal, although it’s clear from the scorn coating her tone that she’s indicating the Shamrocks redheaded Technology officer. “—is especially incompetent. Since our arrival, I’ve fixed his code. Secretly, of course, since I’m just a journalist.” My consigliere feigns shivering as she mentions her public-facing role. “Then, I reconfigured the database protocol that you decided in all your infinite wisdom to allow them to access.” After rolling her eyes, she wiggles her fingers to make jazz hands, then Layla rolls her eyes. “A decision that it is above my paygrade to critique... but let me tell you, boss, I will be requesting a pay rise if I’m going to be expected to clean up?—”
A familiar woman rounds the corner.
“That’s enough.”
My 2IC immediately closes her mouth and follows my attention to the newcomer.
Gabbi Mitchell.
Three of the Blackards SMC enforcers crowd behind her.
“I guess it’s time to test whether this new identity will stand up to scrutiny.”
“It will.” Hands on her hips, Layla reminds me, “As long as you stick to the script.”
Inclining my head, I acknowledge her warning.
My resurrection has gone smoothly so far. The Shamrocks have accepted me as Lazarus without much effort. Crystal seems to find the situation amusing. Most of the old timers are more put out by Gabriel’s role in the deception than they are with mine. I haven’t come across Toker yet, which makes me think he’s deliberately avoiding me, but the Mayberry siblings and the rest of the club seems happy to have me back.
Everett is MIA, but I figure that has more to do with his accidental confession than me.
Still, he is a problem that I need to take charge of soon.
His nihilism is a worry.
The increase in the bounty on his head only adds to my concerns.
My half-brother needs a come-to-Jesus chat as soon as I can find an appropriate opening.
“They seem to recognise you, but I don’t recognise them.” Layla comments when the Blackards scan the hallway and the leader’s attention lingers on me. “Do you think they’re going to be a problem?”
Deciding that it’s better to confront the issue head on, I start toward the girl fighter I befriended during my time in Sydney. My resurrection as a relative of Venom’s is about to undergo its first public test with someone outside my innermost circle. As I approach, Gabbi’s eyes widen, then she grins. I school my features, unwilling to confirm the fighter’s suspicions. The Blackards accompanying her busy themselves talking to the Shamrocks, their original interest in me satisfied, giving their charge the chance to slip off without them noticing.
An oversight Diablo will be informed about immediately.
His knuckles will meet their face for risking his girl.
“Venom?” Gabbi asks. I shake my head. The quizzical look that flashes across her face is replaced with confusion. “Yes... you’re Venom.”
“No.” I hold my hand out. “I’m Venom’s cousin... Lazarus Abaddon.”
Doubt glints in her dark eyes a moment before she sarcastically drawls, “Sure you are.”
“Pleasure to meet you.”
“You sound different.”