“Slash.” Nadia says my name in a tone that makes it clear she’s still holding a grudge over my behaviour after the surprise wedding she helped organise. “I need you to listen to me, then say yes.”
“F-ine,” I sigh. The word gets caught in my dry mouth, making me sound like a strangled kookaburra. Clearing my throat, I try again to speak. “Fine.”
“Anna needs the house to herself tonight—space with her girls so we can get her into the right mindset for the weddin’ tomorrow. Will you promise me that you’re not gonna turn up drunk and make things worse? I mean, you’ve avoided her for most of the week, surely one more night won’t hurt?”
The ability Nadia has to make absolute sense while also being insulting is next level.
Logical snark.
She should bottle that shit and sell it.
Would probably promote world peace.
That or finally bring about Armageddon.
A win/win, at this point.
Tossing caution to the wind, I tell her, “I promise.”
“Don’t fuckin’ lie to me.”
“Nads.” I throw an arm over my aching eyes. “I promise that I won’t come home tonight.”
“On one condition...”
“Fuckin’ men... always gotta make things difficult.”
Ignoring her grumbling, I continue. “What do you think about silver linings?” The silence on the other end of the phone goes on for so long that I actually take a quick one-eyed peek at the screen to make sure she hasn’t hung up on me. When I see the call is still connected, I say, “Nads?”
Her annoyance has disappeared by the time she answers my question. “I think you’re finally gettin’ it, Slash. And that makes me happy... because I might actually live long enough to see the three of you sort ya shit out.”
The call ends.
I let the phone drop out of my hand to the mattress.
The solution I’ve been avoiding slots into place.
Second best or silver lining.
Time limited or forever.
All that truly matters is that my duchess continues to love me.
“Rise and shine, it’s your wedding day.” Nadia announces at the top of her lungs. She hits the button to open the security shutters covering the exterior of every window, then makes a running leap. I curl up into a ball, narrowly avoiding her belly flopping onto my legs. As Nadia burrows under the covers, she grumbles, “Scooch over, I need a snuggle before the chaos descends.”
I do as I’m told.
With the covers over our head, we turn to face each other. She loops her arms around my neck, and I pat her cheek. Sadness fills her green gaze after she scans my face and clocks my mood. I try to quirk my lips into a smile, but it fails. My chin wobbles. The ache behind my eyes that is my constant companion flares. Biting the inside of my cheek, I try not to blink, lest the tears start.
“If you don’t wanna do this, I’ll braid a sheet rope and help you rappel outta the window.”