And I’m going to keep it.

“While we struggle to understand why they were taken from us?—”


A gunshot echoes around the graveyard. My hand moves to my shoulder holster immediately. Every man gathered for the funeral does the same thing. Tension ratchets up, and I hold my breath as I wait for the follow-up bullet to complete the code.


When a second shot rings out exactly three seconds later, it confirms that Wyatt is sounding the alarm from his position at the gate. I circle my pointer finger in the air to alert my club brothers that this is not a drill. They all incline their heads in almost imperceptible acknowledgement of my order.

Brutus stalks into view with Charlie trotting behind him.

I pin Diablo with a look.

He places both hands on my duchess’ shoulders to hold her in her seat.

Pale as white chalk with her gaze unfocused, I’m unsure if Cherub is even aware of what’s going on. Like she did the night of the ritual, I fear she’s gone somewhere no one can reach her. Taken refuge in the dark recesses of her mind. Disassociated in order to spare herself any further pain.

Next to her, Nadia takes hold of my wife’s chin to examine her eyes.

Her throat visibly works as she turns back in my direction and shakes her head.

“Nobody move,” I caution when Brutus reaches us. He’s standing on the other end of Venom’s casket, apparently unarmed, with only his long-term girlfriend by his side. “Nobody speak. We don’t engage with this motherfucker. He’s a rat—dead to us in all the ways that matter, bar one. And that final departure will be arranged soon enough.”

My threat isn’t subtle.

It’s not supposed to be.

This move doesn’t make sense.

After slitting Venom’s throat, he should be in hiding.

Why is he confronting us head on?

I peer at Hunter. My brother inclines his head, the calculation in his eyes telling me that he is having the same thoughts as I am. When he melts into the shadows, disappearing between the rows of headstones, Cub follows him. I see Meeyal drop out of sight in the opposite direction, stealthily fading into the ether without making a sound.

“See you’ve finally pulled ya big boy boots on,” Brutus sneers. “Hope you’re not gettin’ too comfy in my patch.”

Following my own orders, I draw my eyebrows together to feign curiosity as I ask my SAA, “Do you hear anythin… ’cause I swear dead men can’t speak.”

“Maybe the wind’s pickin’ up?”

“Or a bunch’a hot air is bein’ blown like usual.”

Toker barks out a laugh, drawing Brutus’ attention toward him as Wyatt sneaks up behind his father to press the end of his rifle to his liver. Charlie lets out a cry at the sight, and Cub slaps a hand over her mouth to pull her out of the danger zone. Perched on top of the closest ornate mausoleum, Meeyal appears. He aims his weapon at our ex-president. My brother remains out of sight, technically no longer a Shamrock, but ready to assist us any way.

Encircled by the men he once led, Brutus’ bravado doesn’t falter.

I decide to test him a little more.

“Continue,” I tell Cass.

He side-eyes me, then he does as I’ve requested. “As I was saying, today we are here to say farewell to our brother. A man who should be above ground, not about to be interred in it because of reasons too petty to detail.” When Cassius sneers in Brutus’ direction, his twin’s eyes widen just enough to be noticeable. “We’re gathered here to send Venom off surrounded by the people who love him… and, apparently, his uninvited murderer.”

Being directly called out makes Brutus shift from foot to foot.

Other than that, he shows no further reaction.