I can deal with this.

I can love Lazarus.

Still, the same question remains... can I trust Lazarus?

“Nice to meet you, Lazarus,” I murmur as I step back into his space and hold out my right hand. He hesitates for a heartbeat, then accepts curls his fingers around mine. Steel in my voice, I add. “I’m Lily Hudson.”

The challenge in my greeting is met with a rueful smile and a firm hand shake. “Likewise, Lily Hudson... it’s nice to meet you.”

We hold hands, neither of us willing to be the first to break the connection. Lazarus smooths his thumb over my knuckles, and I bite down on my bottom lip. His direct focus is fixed on me, a million unspoken words in his gaze.

I want to close the distance between us.

I want to press my body to his and hold him tight.

I want to make him promise to never let me down again.

With a level of stubbornness that I’m not sure I can sustain long-term, I dig in my mental heels to stop from giving in to my base desires. The time he’s promised is necessary. The effort I’ve requested is paramount. In the same way I’ve set Slash free in the hopes that he can come to terms with his darkness and return to us whole, I need Lazarus to pursue me like I’m the only light in his world. If we’re to build a new life together, it has to be set on a foundation of trust and truth, with footings that are unbending and deep.

The forces conspiring against us are indefatigable.

We need to be stable and solid if we’re to defeat them.

“Come back tonight,” I tell him.

“Tonight.” The promise lacing that solitary word is intense. I attempt to pull my hand out of his, and Lazarus lets me go with obvious reluctance. He swallows hard, then touches his ear. “Clear the exit.”

Staring hard, I spot the small, opaque earpiece that is cleverly concealed. Lazarus nods. He cups my napes and drags me into him before I can protest. A hard kiss to my forehead later, and he’s heading for the staircase. I step out of my room into the dimly lit hallway, tracking him with my gaze, overawed by the sight of him in work mode. I bite back a smile when the suited man blows me a kiss, then vaults over the side of the balustrade. He lands without a sound, something that doesn’t make sense considering how much he weighs.

Immediately missing him, I dash forward.

Hand on the banister, I peer down at the ground floor.

The landing is empty.

He’s gone.

Like the wind.

Leaving me to put together all the pieces and trust that he will return.

As I head back to my bedroom, I open my fingers to see what Lazarus left for me.

It’s a gold bracelet charm with sapphire inlay.

The scales of justice.

When I sit on the end of my bed and unfasten my bracelet, the phoenix that he left me a couple of weeks ago catches my attention. At the time, I thought it held no significance. Now, after seeing the tattoo covering his throat, I understand what he was trying to tell me.

Zeke is dead.

He died for me.

But he has arisen as Lazarus, like a phoenix from the ashes of our ruin, to better serve me.

I have exactly what I’ve wished for since I realised that I love two men.

A second chance.

With my first love and my silver lining.

If I can get the headstrong men to accept the truth...

I love them both.

Different but equal.