I should be ashamed of how easily I gave into Slash.
I’m not.
If anything, I’m grateful for the amnesty I received.
It’s a small boon, but I’m glad our first time together was on our terms.
Even if it ended badly...
“Why now?” I ask Gabriel as we come to a halt at a set of stoplights.
“He just said he wants to see you.”
For a second, I allow myself to feel hope.
Then, I lock it down tight.
I know Zeke.
His possessiveness makes Slash’s look like child’s play.
I bring out the worst in him.
Always have.
So, if he’s revoking his decree exiling me, it’s for one reason.
My first love wants to break me even further.
“Fuck you!” Lily shouts at me. “I don’t know what stupid game you’re playing, but I don’t want any part of it.”
With one hand pressed to her stomach, I keep her pinned to the metal tabletop in the meeting room at the Perth lockup, naked but for the white lace panties she’s wearing. Despite the shitty comments I’ve lobbed at her head, all the buttons I’ve tried to push, she refuses to fight me. Her hair-trigger temper won’t be stoked. She rejects my provocation at a time when I need her to let her fury free.
I want Lily’s rage.
I need Lily’s rage.
I’ve got to find a way to make her hate me, or I won’t be able to go through with the plan tonight.
With insolence in my stance, I drag my index finger down the centre of her pussy. The damp spot I encounter does nothing to further my scheme, instead it reminds me of all the days and nights I’ve spent buried to the hilt inside her. In a voice dripping with contempt, I goad the love of my life again, “Do you really mean that or is that what you’re tellin’ yourself to try and explain why you’re married to him but wet for me?”
Once more, Lily denies me the clean break I need.
She stays silent in the face of my slut-shaming.
Why wouldn’t she?
I know my woman.
The last thought in her head will be sex while I’m locked up. She’s loyal to a fault, a trait that’s put her in more than one dangerous situation not of her own making. The bullshit with Alex stemmed from Sander. It spiralled out of control due to Nadia’s addiction. Then flared again to the point where she was forced to take a life because I couldn’t see the forest for the trees.
So many fuck ups.
The repercussions of which never land on the guilty.