Page 188 of Making Choices

“Things between us ended the minute I found out you’ve been pantin’ after Lily in secret. This meetin’ was just an unfortunate rerun.”

“Fuckin’ hell, Venom.” I’m not sure why I’m pleading with him when he’s so adamant about pushing me away. In truth, I should be rejoicing. With Venom out of the way, Cherub is mine. “Shit doesn’t have to be like this.”

“Yeah, it does. You know it. I know it. Blind, deaf, and mute fuckin’ Freddie three cells down from mine knows it. Our brotherhood ended as soon as you made her come.” He raises both middle fingers and aims the double bird at me. “Twice.”

“I didn’t do it to fuck you over… I didn’t mean to fall in love with her. I fuckin’ fought it for years—”

“Maybe, maybe not... But we both know that I’ve only ever had two things I could call my own—Lily and, eventually, the prez’s patch. You had everythin’ else. Brothers. Parents who love each other. Book smarts. Looks. The personality. Everything the world wants in a man.” When Venom’s leg starts bouncing and he drags his fingers through his hair, I know that it’s time to leave. He snorts. “Now, you’ve officially got everythin’... and I hope you choke to fuckin’ death on it.”

“You have no idea what you’re talkin’ about.”

“I don’t care… your win is temporary. I’ll be back and she’ll be mine again.”

Shaking with rage, I turn my back on Venom and bang twice on the door. “I’m out. Enjoy purgatory, Lazarus.”

“See you in hell, cunt.”

I salute him. “Not if I see you first, you cold motherfuckin’ prick.”

When Gabriel doesn’t follow me out of the room he commandeered for our meeting at the Perth lockup, my step falters. Seeing him gesture to the guards that he’s going to stay with Venom a little while longer, worry claws at my throat. I lengthen my stride and hurry for the exit so I can get back to my phone and the club brothers who’re waiting for an update on Venom.

As I emerge into the street, they crowd around me.

“How is he?” Wyatt asks.


“They’ve got him in solitary, hey?” Toker cuts in. “Did you make sure Gabriel’s also got some of our boys on the inside watchin’ over him.”

“He’s fine.”

I slide my cut back into place, then pull my phone free of the interior pocket.

The call connects instantly. “How’s Venom holdin’ up?”

“Fine.” Without giving Cub the chance to delve deeper, I get to the point. “Want you to re-organise Isaiah’s patchin’ in for tonight. Also need you to rustle up a marriage licence.”

Cub’s voice is filled with curiosity when he replies, “Both of them for tonight?”

“Yep,” I reply. “The Shamrocks are gettin’ a new president, a new watchman, and a weddin’ this evenin’.”

“You sure about this?”

“Fuckin’ positive.”

Ending the call, I type out a text to Gabriel.

SLASH: You’re officiating the wedding tonight. No questions. No excuses. I want this done the Shamrocks way, then the Trinity can have their pound of flesh on Saturday.

I don’t expect an immediate answer since I know he’s remains with Venom. Still, the mere act of sending the message makes me feel better. If Venom’s trying to talk Gabriel into moving things forward to teach me a lesson, I’m going to be ready. No more bitching and moaning and blaming—like Venom rightly accused. I’m grabbing life by the horns and wrestling it into submission.

My window with Cherub is undetermined.

It depends on Gabriel and Venom, and the outcome of their next moves.

As I head for my bike, a quote Mumma once told me pops into my head. She quoted some dead white guy’s ethos years ago when I was floundering with an epic failure.

To get something I’ve never had, I’ve got to do something I’ve never done.