“This is a lie of omission, and it’s for her own good. She’s making progress at therapy. She enjoyed herself tonight. It’s been hours since she mentioned Venom… I won’t let a bunch of fuckin’ rape apologists ruin her night.”
The crazy glint in her eye tells me she’ll follow through with her threat against my Harley if I so much as blink wrong. Pushing back to my feet, I wrap my arms around her and pull her in for a tight hug. “You’re a good friend.”
“I owe her every-fucking-thing. She saved me from myself, made me a member of her family when I didn’t have one, so now I owe it to her to save her from all the cunts trying to bring her down.”
“Fuck men, right?” I repeat Nadia’s oft-mentioned rally cry.
Nadia sniffs loud, then thumps my bare back. “Yep. Fuck men. Me and Cherub are ride and die, and we won’t put up with any more shit from you fucking men. Not one of you is worth the angst.”
“Even me?”
Shoving me away, Nadia reaches up and slaps my cheek. It’s not light, but it’s not vicious either. It’s a reminder. A warning. A promise. If I make peace with sharing her best friend with my best friend, then I better follow through and treat her right, or Nadia Appleton will be first in line to kick my teeth in.
“You’re one of the best,” she tells me. “But you’re still a dumb fuck and liable to screw things up with her.”
“I won’t.”
“You will. It’s what men do.”
“Not this man.”
My protest earns me a roll of her eyes. “I’m heading inside. This hashtag not all men bullshit is making me itch.”
“Let me know when y’all are ready to head to the clubs.”
“There’ll be no clubbin’ tonight,” Nadia replies. “Can’t take her out with those vile pieces of shit ready to pounce.”
“Good call.”
In the face of my agreement, Nadia smiles wide. It’s completely malevolent and doesn’t bode well for my ears. “Gonna get your karaoke machine out. I need some ‘Shook Me All Night Long” in my life.”
As soon as she’s skipped inside, I kick off my wet boots and strip my soggy jeans down my legs. Collapsing on the sun-lounge in my damp boxers, I screw my eyes shut and work to block out the unwanted advice that’s been offered to me by my parents and Nadia. They may be trying to help, but I’m praying like fuck that they’re wrong.
For once in my life, I’m ready to fight for what I want.
Yet, three people I’d trust with my life are telling me that I shouldn’t.
How am I supposed to claim my duchess without battling for her heart?
My phone beeps. I pat around on the table that’s littered with empty bottles and a bong or two until I find it. The name on the screen is the last one I want to see tonight. It mocks me. Taunts me with the choice I need to make. Reminds me that second place is a position I’m intimately familiar with.
One that I promised myself I’d never be in again.
Mind made up, I swipe up to open the message thread.
VENOM: Got a lead on Joker and Honey
VENOM: Need you and all the brothers you trust to meet me at Pink Haze next Friday
VENOM: I’ll text you the time soon as I know
As much as I want to tell him to get fucked, I know I can’t. Cherub isn’t safe with a bunch of rats walking around without repercussions. The Shamrocks can’t reset until they’ve avenged the brothers we lost. Life will only return to normal once we’ve waded our way through Brutus’ deception, set fire to his plans to turn the club into a subsidiary of the Maddison Clan, and put bullets in the heads of his allies.
After that, all bets are off.
Me and Venom are going head-to-head for my duchess’ heart.
I’ll accept Cherub’s decision with dignity.