Slash’s corresponding laughter is immediate. “Well, as long as you’re amused, I guess it’s all worth it.”
Tightening my arms around his shoulders, I bury my face in the crook of his neck and laugh all the way out to his vehicle. After he’s settled me into my spot and climbed into the driver’s seat, Slash threads his fingers through mine and drags my hand over to his thigh. We stay like this, silently connected, all the way back to his house.
When he carries me upstairs to my bedroom, the epiphany I had at the clinic is confirmed.
This is my home.
For now, at least.
Five days later
“God grant me the patience to deal with drunk women,” Isaiah whispers. He pulls his bandana tighter around his neck as he crosses himself, then adds to his prayer. “I want my patch more than I wanna tell ’em to shut up about jabbing cocks.”
I snicker.
Hunter rolls his eyes.
Cub looks up from his phone. “What’d I miss?”
“Nothin’,” Isaiah tells him.
The four of us lapse into silence and go back to watching the women camped out around my pool as they shriek about the dicks they’ve embroidered, discuss premature ejaculation, and tell stories of being yelled at by their men for accidentally using Shamrocks T-shirts for cum rags. Although I’m ostensibly supervising all the old ladies while they pre-game their way to a pleasant level of drunkenness before descending on one of the nightclubs we own, my gaze rarely strays from my duchess.
It's clear that Nadia has had a hand in dressing her tonight.
I’m not sure if I should pour her a shot to say thank you or down an extra shot myself to commiserate the fact I’m not going to uncover the lightly tanned skin hidden by the leather skirt and silky top combo Cherub’s wearing tonight. Complete with knee-high boots, smokey eye makeup, and a hairdo that emphasises the regal length of her neck and the smooth skin of her shoulders, the woman I love is sex on legs.
“Whoa, whoa.” Cub looks up from his screen long enough to guide Nadia away from the water’s edge. “Careful, Nads. You don’t wanna get wet.”
The look she gives him should be illegal. Running a fire-engine red fingernail over his Technology Officer patch, she purrs, “Why? Would it make you whip out your hard drive?”
“Ah, no... I-I don’t know what you mean... my hard drive’s at the compound.”
Exchanging a look with Isaiah, I shake my head. Cub’s completely clueless when it comes to women. He’s so bad that he comes close to giving Hunter a run for his money, and my little brother is likely to die a virgin. Since I’m almost certain Cub’s fucked Nadia before, it blows my mind how bad he is at reading her blatant invitation.
“She was talking about your penis,” Hunter announces as soon as Nadia has swayed her way out of hearing range to settle on the same lounger as Cherub. “Wet. Hard drive. Erect penis. Get it?”
“There goes any chance I had of poppin’ a fat tonight,” Isaiah mutters. Speaking louder, he asks my younger brother, “You’re a robot, aren’t you?”
Hunter frowns. “No. I understood the sexual innuendo perfectly.”
“That’s not the point,” Isaiah retorts. “Everyone but Cub got it. But it’s your clinical explanation that killed it for the rest of us though.” Nudging me, he adds. “Right, Slash?”
“I got what she was on about.”
“And Hunt’s explanation made you soft?”
Nadia has never appealed to me like that, so I’m answering truthfully when I tell him, “Wasn’t hard over her to begin with... so no.”
Of course, the truth is a lot more convoluted considering I’ve been sporting a semi all night. The moment Cherub descended the stairs dressed up like Biker Barbie, my dick started saluting the sky, and it hasn’t abated in the hours that have passed.
The woman keeps taking my fantasies and one-upping them.
Isaiah argues with me. “You have eyes, don’t ya? Nads is hot as fuck.”