Page 46 of Making Choices

“Fuck. The. Pair. Of. You,” I spit the words at them from between gritted teeth. “I’ve done nothin’ to feel guilty about.”

“Not true,” Hunter retorts. He shoves my shoulder hard to get me to unhand Toker. “Pretty sure your conscience is worryin’ you a tad after last night.”

“I’ve sorted that out.”

“Oh, you did, did you?” My brother arches an eyebrow and sneers. “Is that why you nearly lost your shit when you thought they were bumpin’ uglies against the side of the building?”

His reminder of my behaviour out in the courtyard renders me speechless. I let go of Toker and rub the back of my neck. The three men I call brother examine me with varying degrees of suspicion until Toker breaks the silence.

“Listen, this ain’t the time or the place to get into a fight.” He uses his chin to gesture at the other people in the bar. Some of them have stopped talking to watch our altercation. “Alls we need to know, right now, is that we can trust you to look after our VP. He’s gonna be lost without her… are you willin’ to step up like you woulda done a few months ago?”

“Of course.”

Toker shakes his head to silence Hunter when it looks like my brother’s going to disagree with me. “Then it’s settled. You three needa get your arses into the den. I’ll give you a few minutes, then this shit is goin’ down. It needs to be done today ’cause I refuse to put Cherub at risk a second longer than necessary, just in case this rat business turns out to be legit.”

I’m on autopilot as I follow Cub and Hunter out of the bar. We walk past Cherub where she’s sitting on the couch with her younger brothers and take up position behind Venom. She shoots us a tight smile that none of us return, then rolls her eyes before returning her attention to the TV.

It doesn’t take long for the tension in the den to racket up to unbearable levels. Venom’s right leg is bouncing, and I can see the tendons in his neck working overtime as he grinds his teeth. My little brother is practically vibrating as he calculates all the different ways this plan can go wrong. I’m battling through my own case of nerves while Cub flicks his gaze from his phone to Cherub every couple of seconds.

When Toker enters the den, he stops to say something to his cousin. Whatever he whispers sends her into a panic that only deepens after Toker grabs Venom by the shoulder and pulls him backward off his stool. He punches his VP in the face and my best friend hits the floor.

Hunter steps out of the fray to keep an eye on the spectators.

Cub continues to tap away on his phone, eyes darting from the unfolding melee to his screen.

I screw up my nose at the way Cherub recoils when Toker shouts, “Stay the fuck away from my cousin… you’re nothin’ but trouble. Cherub doesn’t need you… doesn’t want you. It’s time you took the hint and fucked off outta her life.”

The anguish painted over Cherub’s beautiful face when her cousin throws an arm over her shoulder and drags her into his side makes my skin itch. She knows this is all for show, yet the fearful look she shoots Venom’s way when Toker declares, “Come on, Cherub. He won’t bother you anymore” is the real deal.

All Cherub can see is her man.

His comfort is all that matters.

That’s when I realise that her admission last night that it’s Venom or no one wasn’t hyperbole. She genuinely believes her life begins and ends with her man.

For the first time, I have to wonder if Brutus was right all those years ago when he said Venom’s attachment to his daughter is unnatural. Cherub never stood a chance at falling for anyone else—not when he stole her heart the day she was born.

Without thinking, I step forward and point at Toker. “Think you wanna watch your mouth. It’s tryna cash cheques your arse can’t afford.”

“Yeah?” After disentangling himself from his cousin, Toker gets up in my face. The threat in his next statement is for me, not Venom. “You have no idea what I’m capable of when my family is in danger.”

Subtly inclining my head, I let him know that I’m not buying what he’s selling.

My love for Cherub is not a danger to her.

Unlike Venom, with his split personality and his no-holds-barred possessiveness, I’d set her free if given the chance. I’d allow her the opportunity to choose me. Give her the reins for the first time in her life.

Toker advances closer.

I meet him halfway.

Cherub pushes between us.

She braces a hand against my stomach and presses the other to her cousin’s chest. Longing burns through me as I envision wrapping an arm around her waist and carrying her out of the compound. I could hide her away. Keep her for myself. Talk to her, explain my feelings, plead with her until she sees sense.

I’m just as good for her as Venom.

Better even?