“No more seekin’ out everyone but me.”
“I won’t.”
He stays silent while his eyes trail over my face. Seemingly happy with what he finds in my expression, Zeke nods then captures my hand in his. I squeeze his fingers and allow him to pull me behind him as we head back to the brothers waiting for haircuts. As we emerge from our hidden corner into the yard, the men react to our appearance with varying degrees of glee and frustration. My man lets go of me to answer a text on his phone and I snatch the clippers out of my grinning cousin’s outstretched hand.
I roll my eyes when Toker holds his hand out to Sander as soon as it’s empty. “Pay up, motherfucker. Told you she wouldn’t leave us waitin’ just to fuck Venom. Not when she can have his dick any old time.”
Sander slaps a fifty-dollar note to our cousin’s palm. My twin eyeballs me as he drawls, “Thanks, Cherub. The one time I want my sister to be a sure thing, you let me down.”
Cub slaps Sander upside the head. “I second that.”
Holding my knuckles out, I reward Cub with an exploding fist bump. He smiles wide, seemingly happy that we’re back to normal after yesterday’s bombshell about Nadia and Alex. Lips quirked, Zeke shakes his head at the lot of us. His humour dies when he checks his phone a second time and strides over to Slash with dark intent on his face.
I expect him to say something about our impromptu movie night.
He doesn’t.
Rather than speak, the two men exchange a look that sends a shiver up my spine. Wordlessly, they turn their attention to Toker, who gripes, “Oh, come on. I need my hair cut. Can’t this wait?”
“No.” In that one syllable, Zeke turns full-Venom. He slaps Hunter’s upper arm as he passes by him, then gives Cub a chin lift. “Let’s go.”
Without a word of explanation, they desert me. Expressions fierce. Mouths pressed in grim lines. Posture rigid. They’re on a mission. One that no doubt involves Alex, the Bishops of Bloodshed, the WA police, and my traitorous father. I’m also sure it involves a decent chance of violence and bloodshed. Together with Gabriel’s son, Isaiah, my brother, and the two newest prospects, Rider and Antonio, I watch them leave.
Please Lord, keep them all safe for me.
“All righty, then.” Doing my best to ignore my plummeting mood, I hold the clippers high. My traitorous voice cracks as I ask, “Who’s fir-st?”
On his feet in an instant, Sander hits me with a look that compounds my fears. He drives home the seriousness of the situation when he settles on the stool Hunter just vacated and says without hesitation, “Have at it, little sis. Hunter’s not the only one in need of a change.”
I let his “little sis” quip pass without comment, even though I’d usually twist his ear for saying it. Being eight minutes older, I’m technically his big sister, yet my brother finds it hilarious to call me little sis since he’s five inches taller than I am. It used to be just Sander who tried to stir me up with it, but Fret, Wyatt, and Nate have also gotten in on the act as they’ve surpassed my height.
It feels wrong to give into Sander’s shit stirring since I know that my twin allowing me free rein with his precious mane means the situation Zeke is about to lead the younger Shamrocks into must be dangerous. As reality sets in, I find it hard to hold my hand steady as I begin trimming Sander’s hair with the extra-sharp scissors Slash gifted me years ago.
My head spins with worry.
My stomach churns with dread.
My feet burn with the need to run after five of my favourite men.
Not that anyone can tell by looking at me…
Because I refuse to be a bigger liability than I already am to the Shamrocks.
I’ll keep my shit together.
Move forward with the plan like promised.
Even if my gut is telling me that it’s the wrong move.