Once my most recent target has reached the end of the rail, I hand both the sheet and my handgun to Toker. “I’m beat. Going to go shower and wait for Zeke to get back.”
“They won’t be too much longer,” he tells me.
“He had to call Slash in for a job.”
“Alex,” I say with a shudder. “Is it something to do with him?”
“Club business, Cherub.” He flicks the end of my nose, then frowns when I hiss. “Go and get some meds, little cuz. You look like shit.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Just callin’ it how I see it.”
“And that’s why you’re going to be single forever.”
“I’m single by choice,” he protests.
In his gaze, I can see a little of the hurt he showed when Delia blew up at him, so I don’t push the point.
We walk in companionable silence to the front of the range.
“Night, Toker.”
“Night, little cuz.”
“Guess I’ll see you tomorrow sometime?”
“I have a starring role in your fake break up so that’s an affirmative.”
He nudges me with his shoulder. “The plan makes sense.”
“Tell that to my heart… ’cause it doesn’t agree.”
With that grim pronouncement hanging between us, I leave him to clean the weapons and lock up by himself. On my way back to the main building, I stop and pull my phone from my back pocket. Slash was in a strange mood when he left this afternoon and he deserves a little rev up for it.
CHERUB: Toker said you’ve been called in to work. Hope it’s dirty enough to pull your head out of your arse, Mr. Cranky Pants. Imagine leaving without saying goodbye to your favourite Shamrock #thatsmebytheway
It’s a little bit vague, but that comes with the territory. Discussing club business over the phone is full of risk. The cops could have any of our phones tapped, and even though we have Cub to work his magic, the possibility of them intercepting something before he can clear it will always exist.
Contrary to my father’s belief, Cub does have to eat and sleep some time.
The read receipt appears under my message. Three bubbles pop up. I watch them come and go for a minute or so until they disappear altogether. It’s unusual for him not to respond immediately. Even in the middle of a job, they remain in constant contact so they’ll know if plans have changed or the authorities are bearing down on them.
“Okay, someone’s still grumpy,” I murmur to myself.
Whatever’s up Slash’s butt will need to sort itself out alone because I have a date with my man tonight. He’s promised to spend the night with me before we stage our fake breakup to see if it’ll smoke out my father and any other potential rats in the Shamrocks. Phone safely ensconced in my back pocket, I head into the clubhouse to track down Charlie and my pain relief.
A girl’s got to be properly medicated if she’s to truly enjoy everything Zeke has to offer.
Fingers. Tongue. Cock.
I want it all tonight.