“Almost as tough as dealin’ with Angel every day… that bitch’s gonna stick the wrong needle in her arm one’a these days.”
“What about the kids?”
“They’re home with their grandparents.” A gaping chasm of emotion mentally splinters Apollo in front of my eyes as he tells me, “My Bindi girl takes care of ’em… treats ’em like they’re hers.”
My respect for Sera goes up another ten notches.
“She’s a good woman, Lo.”
The heartbroken man rallies. He scrapes his fingers through his dark-brown curls, secures them with a hair tie, then he glances at my duchess. “Just as good as the one you’re holdin’ onto like she might float away.”
Clearing my throat, I check to see if Cherub heard his comment. When I discover that she’s not paying us any attention, I glare at him. “One man’s epic fuck up becomes another’s boon. You should know that.”
The rage my pointed pot-shot sparks in his expression spikes my adrenaline. Coming hot on the heels of Bebe’s bullshit, I straighten my shoulders and meet him head on. Either a fuck or a fight is on the cards for me tonight, and since I don’t plan on sticking my dick in anyone but Cherub, I figure bloodying up the face of a rock star will be a good alternative.
Whatever Apollo sees in my expression has him backing down instantaneously.
“If you’ll excuse me,” he addresses our group in a steady voice. “I’ve gotta get ready.”
Isaiah heads inside with his older brother. As a long-time fan of In This Moment, one of the co-headliners, Nadia trots along behind him, offering promise after promise that she’ll be on her best behaviour if he lets her tag along. Always a soft touch, the prospect relents and Nadia slips her arm through his.
They disappear out of sight.
Leaving me alone with Cherub… and Venom.
As we follow the stunning blonde into the stadium, I move between my ex-best friend and his Lily. He growls low, hitting me with a look that’s filled with contempt and irritation when I slap his arm down after he tries to place his hand at the small of her back to guide her through the crush of stagehands.
I grin back at him.
His fingers tighten into fists.
“Nothin’s changed,” I murmur to him while Cherub marvels at the organised chaos going down behind the scenes. “You try to fuck with her head tonight, I’ll gut you like a fish.”
“Like to see ya try.”
Although I don’t deign to reply to his arrogance out loud, my head supplies a response.
Bring it on, motherfucker.
* * *
The concert passes by in a flash of exquisite agony and ecstasy.
I keep my hands on Cherub all night, dancing with her, making her laugh, just generally showing her how light, easy, and fun life can be. Our group enjoys the hospitality Apollo has organised for us. From free drinks to plentiful food, they all take it in turns to duck into the bathroom to snort some of Hunter’s latest chemical experiment.
Except for Cherub.
Her controlling ex makes sure she isn’t given the opportunity to partake.
I abstain as well, as determined to remain by her side as I am to keep Venom away.
Continuing to be a pain in my arse, Venom spends the entire evening pre-empting her needs. Before Cherub even has the thought, he’s there with a fresh glass of wine or a piping hot canapé. Whenever her current dance partner disappears to snort a line, he pounces, pushing into her space, making her expression turn wistful. Every time he gets close, he struggles to hide his dislike for me about as well as I contain mine for him.
“You should try smilin’,” Cherub murmurs as we sway back and forth to Motionless in White’s reimagined ballad. As the lead singer mourns bridges to the past, I stare into the eyes of the woman I love and pray for her to return my feelings just once. “It’ll make you feel better.”
I quirk my lips in a glimmer of a grin.
“I hate this.” My duchess sighs with sadness. She stretches to her full height and plants a soft kiss at the corner of my mouth. “If she can’t put you first, then she doesn’t deserve you. There is no reason for you to settle for being anyone’s second choice.”