I don’t know how he knows that this breakdown is over Zeke.
It’s a testament to how connected we are.
“I love you.” Chin trembling, I blink back tears and wipe my nose with the back of my hand. “Don’t ever leave me.”
“Never.” After he kicks the wheelchair that was meant to take me to the exit out of the way, Slash pushes back to his feet and looms over me. I peer up at him, unwilling to break our eye contact. “Let’s get you home.”
For the first time it dawns on me that Slash’s house is my home.
Sure, it might be temporary since I’m looking for a place of my own.
Until then, my home is with the big blond man who never lets me down.
I mull over his words for another moment, tasting the truth in them, then I nod.
He sweeps me into his arms, slings the strap of my bag over his shoulder, and carries me out of the consulting room. The busy foyer is milling with people, all of them at the clinic with their own problems, yet many of them stop to stare at us. I’m sure we’re a strange sight—a giant of a man wearing an outlaw’s cut holding a dishevelled, red-faced woman.
I’m a mess while Slash is as steadfast as ever.
Screw anyone who judges us. I’ll choose the leather clad man and the lifestyle he leads over their flat, structured lives of blissful ignorance any day.
“She should be in a wheelchair,” Bebe tells Slash as she approaches us. Her censorious gaze scans us before her lips quirk into a smug grin. “Although, I’m sure you couldn’t care less. Little Cherub’s comfort comes first... rules and regulations, be damned.”
“At least you’ve got one thing right today,” Slash snaps back at his girlfriend.
Bebe laughs in a way that makes it clear she’s feeling no humour. “It’s lucky you’re as big as you are... got to protect those arms of yours at any cost.”
Frowning, I open my mouth to tell her to fuck right off with her fat shaming. Slash answers before I can say anything, except his response doesn’t make sense to my weary mind. “Considerin’ you know exactly how handy I am with arms, I’d expect you to be a little more circumspect. Would warn you to be careful not to bite off more than you can chew, too.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Bebe shakes her head and sneers. “But I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me, Carter.”
Although I feel Slash bristle at Bebe’s use of his legal first name, he surprises me again by backing down to agree with her. “You know what, doll? You’re completely right. I am stuck with you... but not tonight. Tonight, I’m all Cherub’s, and if you don’t like that, I suggest you find someone else to offer you sympathy.”
“Do you just?”
“Yeah, I’m sure Jack has a use for your big mouth... one that involves droppin’ to your knees.”
As cryptic as Slash’s insult is to me, it’s a bullseye with Bebe. Her lips part, all colour leaches from her face. Eyes wide and nostrils flaring, I brace for her temper to erupt. Instead, the tiny woman spins on her heel and strides away without another word. When she drops out of sight, I realise that most of the people staring at us have stuck around to eavesdrop on Bebe and Slash’s argument.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he snarls.
His angry declaration breaks the spell they’re under. The foyer bursts into a flurry of movement. It feels like the entire world is whirling past me while I’m stuck in place. The epidural has completely worn off. My heart is calling for Zeke, even though Slash is doing his best to step into the shoes my ex-fiancé has vacated. I’m causing problems between my best friend and the first woman he’s let get close to him since Jenna.
My life is imploding around my ears.
My problems are as sticky as molasses and they’re trapping Slash in my downward spiral.
“I hate that you’re arguing over me.”
“Has nothin’ to do with you.”
“Bullshit.” I ruin the vehemence of my response by resting my cheek on Slash’s shoulder. “That was totally about me.”
“Nah.” The big man jostles me in his arms as he fishes the keys to his Range Rover out of his pocket. “I was just remindin’ her that I know she’s still fuckin’ her boss and she didn’t like it.”
“That’s—” I stop myself from adding my two cents to the situation. As much as I love Slash, I’m not sure if he’d welcome my usual meddling right now. A few weeks ago, he finally said Jenna’s name for the first time in eleven years, and that’s all down to his relationship with Bebe. If he’s willing to fight for her, then I’ll support him—no matter how mad it makes me to know she’s treating him like an option when he deserves to be her first choice. “As long as you’re...”
Unable to find the right words to express my support, I trail off. With a wry laugh, I settle for the truth. “All I can say right now is that you’ve certainly taken my mind off my own problems.”