With Burning Man safely tabled, we got down to the brass tacks of planning a model community, including a governing body, a qualified police force as well as security patrol. It was thirsty, hungry work, and we sent out to the kitchen several times for refreshments.
By midnight, the boardroom table had been transformed with models, small houses, water color marker roads, and more. There is nothing like getting a think tank like Lane Enterprises, Spindizzy, and the elders from small countries together to plan a model community. Like all plans, it would change when impacted by reality, but it was a start.
Around one o’clock in the morning when everyone agrees we’ve done as much as we can for the night. Maddy and I ride the elevator up to our secure apartment.
Julia waits for us in our living room.
“How is Paul?” Maddy asked.
“Asleep,” Julia yawns. “And I’m nearly there. The LAN party was a huge success. After they found Lord Britain, and conquered the whatever he was, they divided up into twos and fours and played virtual boxing, checkers, and chess. The littles had toys and games, too, so everyone had fun, but were tired enough to go to bed at nine. I think Mrs. Hubbard was, too, although she said that being around so many youngsters made her feel young.”
There was a knock on the door. “It’s Dad,” Julia said. “Or Momlee.”
“Why do you call your mother that?” I ask.
“Because she’s my second mom. My first mom died, and Dad had an awful time finding me in the foster system. When they married, I didn’t want to call her Mom or Lee, so for a while I called her Mama Lee. Then it got shortened to Momlee because Albert couldn’t quite say ‘Mama Lee’ when he was learning to talk.”
The knock on the door came again. While we’d been talking, Maddy checked the security camera. She now opens the door to let Austin in.
“Do I have a daughter here?” he asks.
“You do,” Julia answered. “You didn’t have to come get me.”
“Ah, but I wanted to,” Austin said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Good night, everyone. I’m bushed. Come on, Judy-Rudy. Lee is waiting up for us.”
After they depart, we go down the hall, and peek in at Paul. As usual, he is cuddled with Angel and Carousel. The big dog raises her head when we look in, and the cat opens one eye. Seeing that it is just us, they both settle back down. Paul doesn’t stir, except for the rise and fall of the sheet over him, showing that he is breathing.
“Worn out, indeed,” Maddy says. Then she yawns mightily.
“Looks like we should get you to bed, too,” I say. Then I yawn. “Contagious,” I add.
She smiles at me, a mere ghost of her usual grin.
We get into night clothes, and I feel myself stirring at the sight of her in her soft, satin pajamas. I fold back the covers, and she slides in, scooting over to make room for me.
I lie down, cuddling her up to me, and kiss her forehead. My hope is to catch a little midnight delight, and it would seem we are on the same wavelength. She tilts up her face, and I kiss her lips, then begin little nibble kisses across her jaw toward her ear.
I cup the back of her head with my hand. It is a perfect fit. We roll to face each other. We don’t say anything; we really don’t need to. Our eyes say it all. Maddy’s face is weary, but she has never looked more beautiful to me.
She strokes my cheek, and runs her thumb over my lips. I open them, and catch it, sucking on it. Her breath catches in her throat, and I can feel her nipples harden against my chest.
She wriggles to extract herself from her pajama bottoms. I help her slide out of the soft, silky garment. I can’t decide what is silkier; her pajamas, or her lush skin. Bare from the waist down, I can feel the heat of her against me.
I slide out of my boxers, my penis springing erect between us. She reaches down, cups my balls in her hand, then slides her grip upward in a slow gentle caress. I feel that she has claimed me, and I am truly hers. Her firm strokes along my shaft feel so good that I know I need to stop her before she makes me come.
I roll her onto my stomach. She is heavier than she looks, with muscles developed from being on her feet all day, but scarcely an ounce of fat beyond that needed to give her feminine curves.
She lifts herself on her knees, helping me slide into her. We fit perfectly, and quickly find our rhythm. Her eyes are closed, her face flushed, lips slightly parted. The sight of her makes me even more excited, but I strive to keep my movements gentle this time. I catch a hold of her hips, trying to slow down her movements.
She’s not having any of that. She makes a noise of disapproval and yanks my hands off her waist, lacing her fingers with mine as she rides me harder. Her hair falls over her shoulders, partially obscuring her breasts as she chases her release selfishly. She looks glorious to me as she works herself up and down my length, and I reach up to grab her hair in my fist.
I tug her down to me, interrupting the cadence of her thrusting against me, and claim her lips in a bruising kiss. She nips my bottom lip hard enough that she might have drawn blood, and I growl and seize her shoulders so I can roll on top.
“Slow down,” I order her. “You’re always making things happen too fast.”
She scoffs at me. “I do not! You always hurry us along!”
Her hands come up to grip my biceps as she arches against me like a cat, inviting me to thrust more deeply, to claim her more fully. I slow down my movements, tantalizing her with deep, hard thrusts. Each time I press home within her, her pussy clenches around me, and she gasps with pleasure. She twists her body and rises to meet my thrusts, a smile on her lips between each shout of pleasure. I follow her unspoken directions, increasing my rhythm, pushing even harder and deeper into her.