Page 95 of Creed

Creed sneaks up behind Collins and wraps his arms around her waist and kisses the top of her head. “You gonna sing for me, Stardust?”

“Ha! No,” she barks a sarcastic laugh that breaks at the end. “Riley is.” She says with full confidence.

Creed eyes me. “You are?”

“I can’t sing—” I start to deny it, but now there’s a fucking dare in Creed’s eyes, too.

“Horseshit, Ri.” He turns to Collins, a goofy grin on his face. “This guy can absolutely sing.”

Collins looks at me with a brow raised and I raise my arms out to my sides, partially in defeat, but partially as a what the fuck to Creed for outing me. I’ve never sung in front of anyone but him and even that was an accident. “I have no idea what to sing.”

“One second,” Creed says as he eyes a guitar behind the DJ and hops up on the stage. “You mind if I borrow this, man?”

The DJ just shakes his head with a smile and gestures to the stool behind him. “Be my guest.”

With a nod of thanks he scoots it over near the microphone and strums it a few times, checking the tuning. “Come on, Ri. I’ve got just the song.”

Collins stays right where she’s at, standing at the edge of the stage and looks up at us after I hop up and stand next to Creed. He starts strumming and immediately I recognize the song. It’s not one of our own, but it’s one of my favorites.

I grip the microphone on the stand and look at Creed who gives me a softened grin and nods. Looking up, my eyes lock onto Collins who is watching on bated breath, her fingers twined together in front of her. On the next beat, I open my mouth and sing.

Chapter 33


I’m waiting anxiously when Riley opens his mouth and starts to sing “Leave Me In the Dark” by Alexander Stewart and…holy fucking shit.

My lips part in shock but I don’t dare breathe. I don’t dare tear my eyes away from the men performing up on the little stage. Riley Graves can sing. Like, really sing. His voice is fucking breathtaking. He's got that perfect bit of grit to go with his breathy tones, but when he hits the chorus he’s got the ability to belt out the high notes effortlessly.

He closes his eyes and I pull my polaroid from my back and take a picture of him and Creed as they perform just for me. Neither of them notice and keep going as I pocket yet another incredible memory.

The way he sings about wondering if he was enough for someone’s love, it makes me believe that he’s truly meaning each and every word that comes out of his mouth. My heart clenches as I wonder if there is any truth to what he’s singing. I can’t breathe as I think about anyone hurting someone as sweet as Riley. He’s the total package with his good looks, his sweet, endearing personality, and his seemingly endless talent. I can only imagine how lucky a woman would be to have a man like Riley to call their own.

Creed joins in on the second verse and Riley jumps to a higher harmony to sing along with him. They sound perfect as they sing together. Where Riley’s voice is softer, Creed’s is rougher, more raw. It’s just a freaking song, but these two sing it so damn well that I can feel the ghost of heartbreak through the words that leave their lips.

Apart from the moments when Riley gets lost in the music and closes his eyes near the end, they never leave mine. My heart is thrumming at a rapid pace by the time the song comes to an end and the boys step down off of the stage. The entire restaurant staff breaks out into whooping cheers and applause, the sudden sound causing me to jolt.

A huge smile takes over my face as I leap towards Creed and Riley at the same time, wrapping my arms around each of their necks. “That was amazing!” I say, stepping back to look at Riley. Creed’s fingers interlace with mine and he stands off to the side while I grin like an idiot at his best friend. My new best friend. I blush at the thought. I shake it off, looking up at Riley, who is also flushed with a light sheen of sweat on his forehead. “Riley! Oh, my God, your voice. It’s…wow.”

He laughs and pulls me in for a hug, his familiar clean scent washing over me. “I’ve never done that before. You must be special or something, huh?” He winks as he lets me go and we make our way back to the booth where Bear, Ayla, and the guy I’m assuming is Tony is sitting. I wait for the flush on my cheeks to cool down before rejoining the group. I’m sure they don’t think I’ve noticed every time they’ve shielded themselves between Tony and me, and I’m not sure what that’s all about, but I’ll ask them about it later. Right now my eyes are snagging on a shiny black box that’s sitting on the table that wasn’t there before.

I point at it when Creed slides it toward me. “What’s this?”

“Your last gift from earlier.” He answers, then leans down and gives me a chaste kiss. It’s brief and takes me off guard, but it sets me on fire. I still can’t believe this is my new reality. One where Creed actually wants me and it’s not just another dream or fantasy. I stare at him in a daze as his gaze softens and he nods down at the box. “Open it, Stardust.”

Don’t have to tell me twice.

I pull at the silk bow that’s holding it together, the fabric falling away in a very satisfying manner. I lift the lid and gasp when I’m met with iridescent colors, sparkles, and glitter galore. I lift the top garment out and my head snaps to Creed and Riley at break-neck speed. It’s barely more than a bra. “Is this what I think it is?”

“What do you think it is?” Creed volleys back, his hands clasped together, elbows resting on the table. Riley shifts in his seat when he sees what exactly I’m holding.

“This looks like a new aerial outfit,” a very revealing aerial outfit. “Is this for tomorrow?”

“It is,” Riley says, his face the sweetest shade of pink when I pick up the high waisted bottoms that are guaranteed to show off more ass than not and turn them around to look at all the detail. It’s a stunning outfit. My eyes widen when I see the extra accessories that go with it, but I don’t bother pulling them out.

“You can model that for me later, baby.” The comment would’ve made my thighs clench if they hadn’t come from Tony’s mouth. I haven’t officially met the guy, but based on the few times I’ve been able to observe him and his behavior, I don’t like him. And after the comment he just made, I understand now why Creed and Riley wanted to shield me from him.

Creed stiffens next to me, but I place my hand on his thigh in reassurance and lean over to place a kiss on his cheek and shift to whisper in his ear, “Don’t worry, I’ll model them for you later.”