Page 88 of Creed

I take the steps back up to see everyone staring before they break out into laughter. Tony is the loudest of all of us.

Shit. Forgot he was here.

The laughter quickly morphs into random chatter between my bandmates but Tony’s presence is making me itch so I slap him on the back and tell him how Steve needed help loading some shit onto his bus and he practically skips off the bus, throwing up a peace sign that nobody acknowledges.

I look over at Collins to find that her mystical green eyes are already on me. I wink at her and the flush that rushes to her cheeks makes her freckles pop and she bites her lip. I suddenly feel the urge to kick everyone off of this damn bus so I can strip her down and see where else she blushes and how many more freckles I can find on her stunning little body.

My cock twitches in agreement and it’s a gargantuan effort to not reach down and adjust myself with the growing hardness behind my zipper.

Instead, I saunter over to her and sit down in front of her again, tipping my head back to rest against her thigh where her leg is draped over the edge. I’m about to ask her to do something for me, but she beats me to it when I feel her fingers rake through my hair once more. My eyes drift closed and I stifle a groan that wants to rip loose from my chest when she starts to use her nails against my scalp. No one has ever played with my hair, but now it’s my new addiction.

I’m tuned out to all conversations, Collins’ ministrations sending me into a blissed out stupor, but I can feel the eyes on me from all angles. I crack one eye open to see Bear staring at me, one eyebrow raised in question, but I just smirk and close my eyes again, sinking into the feel of my girl’s magic touch. I’ll tell him about it later. Maybe.

I must have drifted off because I wake to the feel of a swaying sensation and soft, full lips pressing against my forehead. The bus is quiet, save for the hum of the engine and the noise of the busy highway. I blink open my eyes to see the most beautiful face looking down at me with a saccharine smile that makes my heart squeeze tight, and I can’t help but smile back.

How is this my life?

I can’t believe that in a matter of a week I’ve found the girl who I’ve cared for my whole life but have craved for two years.

She smiles, her septum piercing glinting in the light coming through the windows as she says, “Hey there Sleeping Beauty.” I want to roll my eyes but she scrapes her nails over my scalp and they roll to the back of my head instead.

Eh. Close enough.

“You fell asleep just before the others took off for their own buses and we’ve been on the road for about an hour or so.”

I stretch out my sore muscles from my position on the floor, my arms reaching up and stretching before wrapping around her shoulders in an awkward upside down hug that makes her laugh, before shoving to stand. I look around and don’t see Ri anywhere. As if reading my thoughts, Collins nods toward the back of the bus, “He said something about listening to the set list for the As We Stand songs.”

“He does that before every show.” I say, walking over to the kitchen area and pulling two bottles of water from the fridge before grabbing the giant bag of m&m’s that Riley keeps stashed away and walking back over to where Collins sits on the couch. I toss everything next to her and yank her up only to pull her down sideways into my lap. Exactly where she belongs.

Her little yelp as she lands makes me chuckle but I reach over to hand her a water bottle and open the bag, pulling out a handful of the chocolatey candy and offering one to her pouty pink lips. She blushes a little but takes the bite. I give her a few more before popping a few into my mouth.

I know that my crazy is calmed a smidge, I fucking love taking care of her. “How long does he stay like that?” She asks, plucking a few m&m’s from the pile in my palm and feeds one to me. “He disappeared with his headphones as soon as we started rolling and he hasn’t come out since.”

I sigh, thinking about my best friend currently holed up in the back of the bus. “His story is his to tell, but I will say that he strives for perfection. He knows his role in the band, and he wants to make sure that he’s good enough to keep his position.”

Her brows furrow and she glances back down the hall, gnawing on her lower lip with concern playing clear as day across her features. It’s been a week, but I can tell the way she cares for others has never changed. “What do you mean? He played for me at this music store in the mall and he’s amazing.”

I smile at that. It’s been too long since Riley did anything for fun, and for him to let loose and play the drums for her at a time that wasn’t just rehearsing or recording? It gives me this huge sense of relief. I love the friendship that Collins has with him. It’s allowing him to actually enjoy life, rather than live day to day under the false guise of trying to prove himself to everyone.

I feed her more candy as I tell her the insane truth about Ri. “He could master the drums of any song just by listening once, but he insists on listening to the sets for hours.”

She hums in contemplation, chewing while still staring down the hall. I can tell she wants to go to him, but I’m a selfish bastard and I want her all to myself while he’s busied himself with his soundproof headphones.

I could interrupt him so that she can open her last gift, but we’ve got several more hours of travel to take care of that. Instead, I toss the bag of chocolate candy aside hoping to all that’s holy that it doesn’t spill because right now I’ve got a single focus.


I turn her to straddle me and grasp her face in mine as my lips find hers. My need for this girl knows no bounds. I can’t get enough of her. Yeah, it’s been hours since she’s become mine, but I already know I’m not fucking letting go. She can just strap a collar around my neck and drag me everywhere on a leash because I belong to this girl as much as she belongs to me.

A collar could be a good look for me. Fuck, I’ll even get a tag that says Property of Collins Adaire to complete the look. My hands roam from her hair, down her back and straight to her ass where I squeeze tight, causing her to gasp against my lips, before gripping the back of her thighs. I take her open mouth as an invitation and my tongue darts out, needing a taste of her. Hers meets mine in a dirty dance of frenzied kisses. Her grip tightens in my hair when I push to stand with her still in my arms. I move quickly so a bump in the road doesn’t send us to the floor, though I have no qualms with touching her wherever we end up.

She’ll be coming for me no matter where the fuck we are.

I manage to make it to the bedroom and kick the door shut, but this time instead of laying her down, I back myself to the bed, still ravaging her mouth as I lay myself back, her small, lithe body covering mine. My dick twitches behind my jeans when she takes over, grinding herself on top of me. She breaks the kiss as a moan pushes past her swollen lips. I help her out with my hands that are still gripping her ass and pull her harder down and across my hard cock, her breath hitching with the motion. Her eyes are glazing over with every undulation of her hips and I’m fucking lost in a sea of jade.

I can’t look away from her. I want nothing more than to destroy those little shorts she’s wearing and to rip these jeans off and fuck into her heat so deeply that she’ll feel me there for days, but I don’t want our first time fucking to be muted on a moving bus where we’ll have to be quiet.

No, I’ve got plans for that.