“Why?” My brow furrows in confusion.
He grabs my wrist as I move to walk around him. “Because you’re going to get your sassy ass in the car with Riley, and I’m going to turn this fucking key back into the office because you’re done living here.”
I gape at him, my mouth opening and closing like a damn fish with no water, not sure what to say because what the fuck. Do I want to keep living here? Fuck no. But he’s pulling this decision-making alphahole bullshit again and all it makes me want to do is fight him on the subject, tooth and nail. I never used to be this confrontational. I was always the peacekeeper of my family. I was a people-pleaser to the core but being mistreated and stepped on while growing up in the foster care system had definitely hardened me and forced me to fight back when I could. Most of the time, that meant arguing, which sometimes led to hidden bruises and scars.
But I feel Riley’s soft touch on my lower back and some of my fight leaves me. Because I just can’t help myself or my attitude, I huff as I dramatically slap the room key into Creed’s palm. He smirks, his eyes darkening as he grips my hand before I can pull it away and yanks me closer, dipping his head down where his lips brush the shell of my ear.
“Good girl.” He whispers, and goosebumps erupt across my body, suddenly feeling too hot, and my thighs clench at his words.
Fuck. I will not survive this tour.
And I have to share a bus with them?
Double fuck.
My face is now on fire and my breathing is a little too fast to fool these men into thinking I’m anything but calm. But neither says anything as Creed saunters off in the direction of the office—a little too much victory pep in his sassy fucking step—and Riley’s hand never leaves my back as he steers me toward his jeep, casting a sidelong glare at robe-man.
He takes my bag from me and tosses it in the back before helping me up into his Jeep again. It’s like an electric current buzzes up my arm when I place my hand in his so I can hoist myself up into the raised vehicle. I push the feeling away. Too much shit has happened to try and dissect why I still feel so drawn to Creed, while I’ve known Riley for all of a day and he’s already having an effect on me.
Riley rounds the vehicle and hops in, starting the engine and turning on a playlist titled “Boner Jamz” which makes me laugh because the music is all super corny 80’s rock ballads.
Creed joins us a moment later and nods at Riley with a shit-eating grin on his face when he turns to me because yeah, he just got exactly the result he’d intended for this trip. It wasn’t ever just merely taking me to gather my belongings for a three-month trip. It was him keeping the upper hand so that I wouldn’t have any ammunition for excuses to stay behind.
I smile back.
“Have you heard from Asher, yet?” I ask around a mouthful of seasoned curly fries. We stopped for food when Riley heard my stomach growling on the ride back to Creed’s house. We’re all now seated around the island in his kitchen, sharing the smorgasbord of food between us. I couldn’t make up my mind with what I wanted to eat, so Creed practically crawled over the front seats to order pretty much one of everything from the menu, one cookies n’ cream milkshake for me, one peanut banana shake for Riley, and half vanilla, half chocolate mixed for Creed.
His eyes practically glittered with delight as he placed the order, shouting over Riley’s shoulder. I’m not sure why I love the fact that he still loves the same foods, even with the effects of fame and fortune blessing him with better, higher quality options. Creed was never a sweets fan, and he claims that getting half and half milkshakes dulled down the sugary taste, but I think he’s just full of shit.
I won’t call him out on it though. It’s cute.
He's still chewing a massive bite of bacon cheeseburger, so Riley answers for him. “I know he called him, but he didn’t answer. Creed left him a message.”
“But I haven’t heard from him, yet.” Creed says, taking a drink from his soda. “Shit’s been crazy where he works, but I know he’ll call me back as soon as he has a minute to breathe.”
“What do you mean, shit’s been crazy? What has he been up to?” I ask, genuinely curious. I haven’t seen Asher for almost a decade and I haven’t heard from him in years. I’d seen the story all over the news and it hurt my heart for so many reasons. Not since that bitch had up and left him after finding out she was pregnant with a rival player’s baby. They’d been high school sweethearts, but she abandoned the love my brother gave her the second some forbidden dude swung his shiny dick in her face.
If I ever see her again, I’ll whoop her fucking ass.
Ever since he quit the MLB, I lost my last connection to him since he’d cut off all communication with me. A heaviness settles in my chest when I think about just how much I miss my big brother. Yeah, I’m mad as shit, but I still miss him so damn much. Fuck, I don’t even know what he looks like now. My eyes sting, but I take another bite and will my rising emotions to settle.
“He was a bartender at a nightclub in Northern California. Only about a three hour drive from here, actually.” He starts. “But the owners are brothers who are apparently involved in some underground crime world and one of their women was kidnapped after their club was attacked.”
“Holy shit,” I squeak out, my voice failing like it always does when I speak in higher pitches. “Is she…”
“She’s okay now. They got her back, but they needed someone they trust to watch out for her safety while they deal with shit on their end. Asher’s been with them for years now, and they trusted him enough to put him through training to be her personal guard. He says it helped that he knew her before she ended up with one of the owners. Lachlan, I think he said his name is. Now he’s responsible for her anytime she leaves the house.” He blows out a breath, his cheeks puffing out. “Like I said, shit’s been crazy.”
“Oh wow. I had no idea.” Of course I had no idea. Asher stopped talking to me years ago. I have no idea what’s become of my brother. “Well, that would explain his absence in the recent months, but that doesn’t explain the years that have passed that I haven’t seen or heard from him. I know you say that it’s his story to tell, but I feel like it’s never going to be told to me because from where I’m standing? He fucking left me, Creed.” I practically spit at him and he flinches. “He really abandoned me. Did he—did he grow to resent me?” I choke out, the tears back and a fresh wave of heartbreak washes over me.
Creed is out of his seat, around the island and enveloping me in his arms before the first tear even falls down my cheek. One arm banded tight around my shoulders while the other strokes through my hair as he shushes me reassuringly. “That is the farthest thing from the truth, Stardust. I promise you that. I’ll take you to see your brother soon. We’ll meet in the middle somewhere and he can tell you himself just how much he fucking missed you.”
I hiccup despite trying to rein in my emotions. It’s not working, but in the warmth of Creed’s arms, I don’t care right now. He’s held me through worse.
Just when I think he’s going to break the hug and his grip loosens on me, I feel a second set of arms come around me, both of us stiffening briefly before Riley murmurs with his face squished against the crown of my head. “This moment looked like it could use a cuddle puddle.”
We all start laughing before finally breaking apart, my cheeks flushed and my mood lighter.