I can feel the moment she surrenders because her body completely relaxes for a moment before her muscles go taut when I pick up the pace and rut into her fast and hard with my fingers still fucking her in tandem with my cock while swiping my thumb in quick circles, causing her body to jolt and shake beneath me with her orgasm. “Oh, fuck, Creed!” she moans. “I’m com—fuck! Don’t stop. Please don’t fucking stop.”
“Are you going to let me come inside this tight pussy, baby?”
“Fuck, please.” She begs, “Come inside me. Fucking claim me, Creed. I’m yours.”
“Fuck yes,” I groan as reclaim her lips in a hard, greedy kiss. I feel my balls draw up tight, and I blink down at her. Suddenly, her face comes to me in full clarity. Jade green eyes, full lips, white platinum hair fanned out, forming a halo around her freckled, alabaster skin. Her name falls from my lips just before I come deep inside her, making her mine.
I wake with a jolt as sunlight pours into the room from the floor-to-ceiling windows where I forgot to pull the curtains closed last night. I squeeze my eyelids shut to block out the invasive light. My heart is pounding and threatening to burst from behind my ribcage as vivid images of last night’s dream come flooding back to the forefront of my mind.
Holy fuck. It was single-handedly the hottest dream I think I’ve ever had. My painfully hard cock is sporting evidence of the erotic mindfuck I just slept through.
Also the worst timing considering I just shoved Collins right back into the family-friend-zone last night.
My head throbs from the lack of sleep I got overnight, but with no upcoming meetings, no recording sessions, and no concerts scheduled for a few weeks, I intend to take full advantage of the time off and go back to sleep. I want to turn over and ignore the world—and my dreams that feature a certain bombshell who just fell back into my life—a while longer but I suddenly become very aware of a warm body wrapped around mine.
For a moment I’m confused as to who the fuck could possibly be in bed with me because I don’t allow women in my bed at home, but then I remember Collins talking me into sharing the bed and building that ridiculous wall of pillows between the two of us. I peel my eyes open and see that the fluffy barrier Collins created has failed spectacularly. My traitorous heart thumps hard as I’m greeted with a head full of white-blonde hair splayed across my chest as a sleeping Collins nuzzles closer, her tiny body wrapped around me and her face buried deep in the crook of my neck. Her soft breaths against my skin have me erupting in goosebumps.
I lay stock still, not daring to move as I grant myself permission to peruse the sight before me. When my eyes travel down the length of her body wound tightly around mine, and it doesn’t escape my notice that my arm is wrapped around her waist, holding her just as tight to me as she is clinging to my body.
I nearly choke on my own damn tongue when I see not only have we both kicked the sheets off at some point overnight, but she seems to have also lost her fucking sweatpants as well because her smooth, creamy, bare leg is bent and resting over mine, her thigh dangerously close to brushing against my boxer covered cock. Her arm is slung over my torso, her hand hugging tightly around me like she can’t get close enough.
This mouth-watering view of her allows me to see the floral tattoo that now consumes over half of her arm. It’s the same tattoo pictured in the Polaroid she’d sent two years ago, but it looks like more flowers were added. A peony consumes her entire shoulder, followed by a rose wrapped around her tricep, hydrangea flowers wrap around her lower bicep just above her elbow, and what looks like deadly nightshade leaves and flower buds stop poke out between all the petals. Rather than traditional shading, it’s filled with stipple shading which honestly makes it look even more unique.
I wonder briefly how the hell she afforded such a phenomenal tattoo with near perfect linework and shading, but that’s a question I file away for another time.
Collins shifts, adjusting herself against me and I nearly combust when I feel the heat of her pressing against my thigh through her fucking sinful baby pink lace panties, that are now exposed for me to see, but she groans in her sleep. The sound is so goddamn erotic not only does it take my cock from half-mast to full on erection, but it starts setting off all kinds of warning bells in my brain telling me that this is wrong.
I start silently formulating how the fuck I’m going to uncurl her body from mine without waking her or potentially embarrassing her, but I’m saved from figuring it out when she flips herself over on her other side and cuddles up against one of the pillows left from the wall she’d created.
Thank fuck.
I swipe a hand down my face, rubbing the sleep from my eyes before rolling carefully from my spot in bed, ignoring the feeling that sweeps through my body at the loss of the warmth of her touch. I make my way to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me to shower. I was so fucking worn out after all the bullshit went down last night that I’d only had the energy to brush my teeth, wash my hands, and pass the fuck out.
My mind is reeling as I step under the spray of the shower, the hot water nearly making me groan. I still can’t believe that I’ve finally found Collins. I’d been looking for her for two. Fucking. Years. In a goddamned exotic night club. Just a single fucking city away from mine. Either my PI is a complete fucking moron, or she’s really good at not being seen when she doesn’t want to be.
She’s much different than she used to be when she was younger. Not just her looks, but her entire demeanor and personality has changed. I remember what a peacekeeper she used to be, always going along with whatever dumb-fuckery her brother and I had planned, but always keeping to herself as if she didn’t want to burden us by her being in our presence. The weird thing is, I never minded her going with us most places. You’d think that being a typical teenage guy that Asher and I would bellyache about having to take Collins with us everywhere we went, but that just wasn’t the case with the three of us. Collins was just… there. A part of us. She was just easy.
Now, though? She’s a fuckin’ hellcat, that’s for sure. My guts twist painfully at the mere thought of what she went through while in foster care that forced her to abandon that sweet, easygoing personality and swapped it out for something more harsh, something tougher, and topped off with that take-no-bullshit attitude. Really, I can’t say I’m mad about the change though. She may be petite in every fucking sense of the word, but goddamn is she mighty. I’ll admit that it’s a fucking turn-on when she’s all feisty.
Shit. Can’t have thoughts like this, Creed. No. no. Fuck! Just no.
Willing my straying thoughts and the erection that comes with it to go the fuck away, I finish washing up and step out of the shower. I get dressed in the bathroom, brush my teeth, mess up my already messy hair and steel myself for potentially seeing Collins again. In my bed. In those lacy panties—FUCK.
For the second time this morning, I’m saved when I open the bathroom door slowly and see no sign of Collins. Relief is quickly abandoned and replaced with panic because she’s not fucking here. Fuck, I hope she didn’t try to split. Spotting my phone still on the charger, I dash over to it, intent on calling her and telling her to get her little ass back in my house when I see a text from Riley. The time stamp from nine minutes ago.
Riley: I was already up and cooking when Collins came down and tried to make a rather hasty exit.
Riley: No worries though. I’m distracting her with bottomless bacon and pancakes.
I feel relief wash through me once again and I chuckle at his last text.
Riley: Please add bacon and pancake mix to the grocery list. Where the fuck does this girl put it all?
Pocketing my phone and making my way downstairs, I carefully sift through the millions of thoughts occurring all at once in my head when the most prominent one hits me. Shit, we need to tell Asher. He’ll be so fucking happy when he finds out I’ve finally got his little sister safe and sound again. Not sure how long that happiness will last when I tell him my plan for keeping her though.