Page 74 of Creed

“You do.”

“Can we…?” He trails off as he gestures to another open booth on the other side of the seating area, far enough from where Riley’s sitting that I doubt they’ll be able to hear a word of our much needed conversation. I nod and turn to Creed before following my brother.

“Are you coming, too?”

He just shakes his head and reaches out, squeezing my bicep once. “I think this is a conversation that needs to be between you and your brother.”

I open my mouth to ask him to just come with me, but I know I can’t use him as a crutch to have what I’m sure is going to be a painful conversation with my older brother. As if he senses my hesitation, he pulls me in for a brief hug and I’m immediately engulfed by his intoxicating scent. I hug him back and inhale, breathing him in before letting go. It’s only been days since that kiss on his couch, but with the line he’s drawn in the sand between friendship and something more, I take any affection I can get from him.

I pull away and take a step back, still watching Creed. His icy gaze crinkles in the corners of his eyes when he gives me a huge grin. “Go. I’ll be sitting with Riley. Order yourself the biggest fucking breakfast you can devour, it’s on Asher.” He winks.

“I’m not sure I can stomach food with all that needs to be said.” I say, trying to reciprocate the smile. Pretty sure it falls flat, but Creed just keeps smiling, his eyes dipping momentarily to my lips when I bite the corner of my bottom lip. A nervous habit of mine.

“Do it anyway,” he says, stepping back in the direction of where Riley’s seated. “Call it retribution.”

I shake my head as he turns to sit and I face where my brother is now leaning over and saying something to a man who is quite possibly the most terrifying person I’ve ever seen in my life. He’s dressed like Ash, and he’s also got a handsome profile, but he’s a massive, hulking man covered in tattoos from his neck to his fingertips, some ink even peeking under the short cropped hair on the sides of his head. His face is littered with scars and looks like he could kill a person with one of his severe expressions.

The terrifying man nods once in confirmation at whatever my brother said to him, and as Asher straightens and turns to me, I see a small, delicate hand land on Scary Man’s forearm. A head full of long, pink curly hair pops out from the inner corner of the booth and a stunning girl plants a kiss on his cheek. His expression instantly softens and morphs into something like awe.

I don’t linger on that situation as my mind drifts back to my brother and the ten years worth of questions and explanations owed to one another.

Before he sits, he unbuttons his jacket and I catch a glimpse of a shoulder harness with a handgun tucked under his arm. It’s the same kind I’ve seen Jett wear. I blanch at the sight of it.

What the fuck is he into now?

As we both sit, he sees where my eyes are stuck and glances down, as if he can see his pistol through the thick material of his suit coat. “I’ll explain everything.” He says softly as he hands me a menu.

I’m not hungry. I want answers. Because I feel like I’m spiraling, I start focusing on things that aren’t even fucking important. Like the fact that my brother is wearing a suit. My frantic mind snags on the ridiculous thought that it’s summer, and he’s wearing a fucking coat and long sleeve button up. Must be some career to have to wear such a blistering outfit.

I need to get a grip.

After the waitress comes by to take our orders, he looks at me and studies me for a moment. He shakes his head, not in disapproval at me, but at himself, if the expression on his face is anything to go by. “Where do I even begin, Collins?”

I look at him right back, trying to keep my face devoid of emotion and probably failing miserably as I tell him exactly what I’m thinking.

“From the beginning. Ten years ago.”

Chapter 28


It’s been two hours since Collins sat down and started talking to her brother. Or rather, he was talking to her. I sat across from Riley and watched them for a while, picking at my food. I’d lost my appetite with the anxiety that had flooded my body while wondering if I’d colossally fucked up in surprising her to see her brother. I couldn’t hear their conversation, but I assume it’s going decent, at least, considering Collins isn’t screaming at him. I had a feeling I knew exactly what he was saying based on his facial expressions and the tears that Collins had wiped away several times.

I was fucking thrilled to see that she did as I’d suggested and ordered a fucking smorgasbord of food. Loaded pancakes, hashbrowns, cheesy eggs, bacon, sausage, and a bowl of fruit. She devoured nearly the entire meal while Asher sat and watched her with the same expression what I’m sure Riley and I gave her when we first experienced the magical disappearing act with all the food she puts away and still looks like a fucking goddess when she’s done.

When Riley failed to keep me distracted with meaningless conversation and questions about the sets we had planned for our tour in a few days, we paid the waitress and he dragged me from the diner. Luckily this town is small and more rural so people don’t pay us much attention here.

We’re now inside of a shop full of handmade jewelry and tons of vintage memorabilia and swag that’s two doors down from the diner, and Riley looks like he’s on a mission.

I’m about to ask him what the hell he could possibly be looking for but he disappears to the back corner of the store at the same time my eyes snag on a framed vintage band tee behind the display counter. It’s a David Bowie t-shirt from his 1983 tour. And it’s been signed. Collins’ birthday was days ago and our abrupt reunion had distracted me from telling her or celebrating her beyond the half-assed voicemail I left for her.

This shirt is the perfect gift. The kid working the counter rounds the corner and I see recognition flash in his eyes when he spots me waiting. I just wink and hold my finger up to my lips, urging him to not bring attention to my being here. He nods in understanding as he makes his way behind the counter. It’s a small town where we met Asher, but people still recognize us. It’s not that I don’t want the attention, but at this moment, I just want a quiet minute to shop for my girl.

Not my girl.


There’s no way I’m sticking to that asinine friend-zone I crammed her into. As much as I wanted to make her mine right then and there on the couch last night, I knew that we had ten years’ worth of shit to hash out. Once I’m certain we’re not running on adrenaline-fueled decisions, she’s mine. Until then…