Page 54 of Creed

“You’re welcome.”

Feeling some of the weight lifted from my shoulders, I open my mouth to suggest going to apologize to Collins when my phone buzzes with a text. Riley takes a step back as I fish my phone from my pocket and I see that it's Steve, our band manager.

PISS ANT: Emerg. Zoom Meeting. Now.


I groan out loud. I do not need his added bullshit today.

“What? Who is it?” Riley asks, shifting to my side. I show him my phone as he leans over to read the message on my screen.

“Fuck, what does he want?” he grumbles, taking a step back.

“No idea, but I’m so fucking tired, I’m half-tempted to ignore the fucker. I’m so sick of his shit lately. I’m just telling you right now, if he wants us to attend some interview, the answer is an immediate no.”

“No kidding.” He sighs, gripping the back of his neck with one hand. He swipes his phone off the table, backing out of the breakfast nook. “Why don’t you head to the studio and pull up the zoom meeting, I’ll go check on Collins and I’ll join you in a second.” he says, disappearing around the corner.

“I’ll see you in a second.” I say as I pick up the chair I knocked over earlier and turn to head down the hall to see what our manager could possibly want from us already.

Chapter 21


Ihead towards our studio on the main level where we keep our main computer and open the link Steve sent. He acts like he’s come from the age of the fucking dinosaurs, having us use old school technology for communication when he knows we’ve all got phones capable of video calls. Steve may be a dumb fucker most of the time, but he’s been the one to book all of the gigs that got us to where we are today, so that’s why we keep him around.

A few seconds later my screen is flooded with the faces of all my favorite people. And Steve. Tony, too, I guess.

So maybe I’m just talking about Bear and Ayla.


We all greet each other but even through the camera I can tell that everyone is either tired or miserable. Ayla is the only one who looks remotely put together.

Riley comes in a moment later and sits next to me, his face popping up in the frame of the video call.

“Boys, it’s good to see all your smiling faces today.” Steve greets us, his intended sarcasm missing the mark because his comment is answered with stark silence and a tired scowl marring all of our faces. “Okay, let’s just dive right into it, then. I’m calling you today because I just spoke with Gianni DiRusso, the producer and manager for As We Stand.”

“Alright,” I start, dragging the word out slowly.

As We Stand is a newer, popular metalcore band that’s been touring for about three years now, each of their venues getting bigger than the last. Their music is fucking phenomenal and I became quick friends with their lead singer when they landed the opening spot for us two years ago during our Darkest Blessings tour.

“And what does that have to do with us?” Bear asks, shifting back in his seat.

“Well, I was informed early this morning that Jake Rite is currently in recovery after having several vocal polyps surgically removed and will be in therapy for several weeks, followed by a lengthy recovery and rest period afterward.”

“Oh, fuck.” Tony says, dragging a hand through his buzz cut.

“That fucking sucks.” I mutter under my breath. Because, oh, fuck is right. I know all too well about vocal polyps after what Collins went through as a kid. It sucks to hear it was bad enough that Jake needed surgery, but I’m relieved that he’s getting therapy. Collins wasn’t so lucky and that’s why she sounds like she’s in a constant state of losing her voice. Still cute as fuck to listen to her talk, though.

My mind wanders back to my friend and what Steve just said. Hopefully he can make a full recovery and get back into the music world without complication.

Steve continues as if this shitty news is the equivalent of discussing the weather. “If you haven’t put two and two together, this has opened up another touring opportunity for Dark Sins as they’ll be unable to perform without their lead singer.”

“Are you saying we’ll be taking their place on tour?” Riley asks beside me.

“Hey, we ain’t no second string opening act, Steve. So you can fuck right off with that nonsense.” Tony scoffs, lighting up a cigarette and blowing the smoke at the camera.

“They’re not a fucking opening act either, Ritz.” I retort, “They’ve been selling out stadiums as the main event for a year now so shut the fuck up and let him speak.”