Before I can answer either of them, a loud, pained groan comes from the room we just left down the hall. Jett turns his eyes to me with one large, bold, scarred brow lifted in question. “Was that… Tank? What the fuck happened to him?”
“He slipped.” I shrug. I can tell from the look on his face that he doesn’t believe me but he just shakes his head, trying his damndest to hide a grin. Okay, so maybe he’s team Tank-Is-A-Dick. Still won’t earn him points for me liking him. He’s too close to Collins and I don’t like that. But I bury the petty feeling and sweep it all under the metaphorical rug before I speak again. “I need to get Co—Stardust, out of here. Right the fuck now. She doesn’t belong here.”
“Uh, excuse me,” her voice hardens and she lifts her cute little chin to me, her pretty face set in defiance. “Collins is right here and she’s not going anywhere.”
“The fuck you aren’t.” I growl back at her, my face now inches from hers.
“I’ve made it on my own this far, Creed. I don’t care what my situation is like, I don’t need you or any goddamned person barging in, manhandling me, and trying to make decisions for me. I can take care of myself, just like I have since I was twelve years old.”
I flinch at her words because, fuck, they sting. It’s also a fucking stupid logic, but I won’t argue with a woman in the wrong who insists that she’s right. I mean, I understand what she’s trying—and failing—to convince me. I also don’t care what her argument is. If what the fucker that runs this place said is true, that Collins has been violated in any way, shape, or form, not only is he a dead man, but I’ll drag her out of here kicking and screaming if I have to. Her fucked sense of pride won’t stop me from finally getting to help get her out of this toxic situation.
A jumbled string of curses and crashing sounds comes from the private room again and Jett curses under his breath. “We don’t have time for this petty argument shit.” He swipes a hand over his face and takes a step toward Collins but I block him from getting any closer. He looks at me and rolls his eyes before turning his attention to Collins.
“Star, I told you that I’d do my best to look after you, but if you’ve got someone on your side, someone giving you a chance to get the fuck out of this club, take the damned thing. Don’t spend your nights trapped in this place just because of pride. And don’t stay out of some fucked up debt that Tanks thinks you owe to him because corrupted men got their feelings hurt and laid out on their asses by a five-foot-nothing woman.”
She opens her mouth to argue but he holds a hand up to her, stopping her as he continues. “You are too goddamned young to resign yourself to working in a shitty establishment like this. You need to get out of here.”
“So why are you here, then?” I can’t help but question, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Because of the girls.” He says, resigned. “Girls like her.” He nods towards Collins and she looks down, suddenly finding the floor fascinating as fuck. But then he turns back to me, and the look in his eyes is haunted as he speaks. “I’m just one person, and I know I can’t protect them from everything at all times, but it doesn’t stop me from trying.” He reaches around me and places one of his massive hands on her bicep and she meets his gaze, speaking directly to her. I grit my teeth at his bold move to touch her, but I rein it in. Barely. “You really are fucking talented when you do your aerial sets, and you deserve an audience that cares more about your performance than the time they’ll get to steal from you after.” He gives me a pointed look that would make a lesser man piss himself.
Collins nods and bites her lip before offering him a small, appreciative smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. He starts backing down the hallway when Tank’s curses start getting louder. He points a massive finger between the two of us as he walks backwards, “Figure your shit out quick and get the hell out of here. I’ll take care of Tank.” Before he disappears around the corner, his dark eyes remain on Collins when he speaks one last time. “I mean this with all sincerity when I say I hope I never see you again, Star.”
I turn to Collins to see tears welling in her eyes. They never fall as she turns to me and the expression on her face turns stony, her eyes fiery and ready for a fight. It’s cute. She’s like an angry kitten.
I know she’s pissed that I’m all but dragging her out of here like a caveman and won’t really see reason right now, so I try like hell to soften my tone, placating her. “You can be angry, or pissed, or any goddamned emotion you want to be with me because fuck knows I deserve it. But please, please come with me. Let me get you out of here. Please,” I plead again, reaching out and taking her small hand in mine. “Let. Me.”
It sounds like I’m asking for permission, but I’m not. I’m dragging her out of here either willingly or thrown over my shoulder.
Her expression softens at my words and her shoulders slump in defeat. She’s quiet for half a second before she nods in agreement. “Okay. Just… Can you take me home? Please.”
Not a snowball’s chance in hell. “Okay.”
We’re almost to the back door before she takes a random left and disappears behind a curtain. “Collins,” I whisper-shout, peeking through to find out where the hell she went but I don’t see her. “The fuck?”
I’m about to rip the damn curtain from the wall and drag her ass back out myself but she reappears a moment later with a ratty old backpack that I recognize as one of Asher’s from high school. “Ready. I’ll give you the address in the car.”
I nod, knowing I’m about to royally piss her off. “Ri is waiting for us out back. Come on.” I hold my hand out to her but she walks past me with an exasperated huff. She’s still wrapped in a robe and still wearing that bright red wig and her face is now smudged face paint, but she’s ditched the heels and is now wearing worn out black chucks.
Another loud bang sounds around the corner from the hall, followed by a very pissed off Tank. “Where the fuck is she, Jett? I’m not finished with her! She owes me!” his voice booms and this time I don’t care if it makes her hate me, I grab Collins by her waist, and spin her before hoisting her up over my shoulder in one swift move.
An oomph is forced from her lips as she lands. “What the fuck, Creed?!” she shrieks the best she can with her raspy voice.
“Shhh,” I silence her with a swift smack on her ass, which was a mistake because in my haste to get out of here, the last thing I need is to be turned on by the feel of her tight, toned flesh beneath my palm. “I’m not letting that fucker get ahold of you so I suggest you shut the fuck up… at least until we get in the car. Tear me a new asshole in there for all I care. But I’m getting you the fuck out of here.”
All the fight leaves her in one dramatized sigh and her whole body relaxes the second I step out the back exit and the big metal door clicks shut behind us. I hurry down the alley where I see Riley waiting perched on the side of my car. Even in the dark, I see his dark eyes widen in confusion, his brows furrowing in question as he pushes himself off the passenger door. I give a small shake of my head that says not now, and he nods before silently opening the door for me.
I lower Collins down and try to ignore the feel of her body sliding against mine as I right her back on the pavement, gripping her arms as she sways slightly after being upside down for a minute. When her eyes focus again, her jade green eyes are immediately firing daggers at me before she notices Riley standing behind the open door of my car.
She looks back to me and opens her mouth to say something but there’s more shouting to be heard coming from beyond the exit door so I clamp my palm over her mouth to stop whatever she was going to say. “Talk later. Car, now.”
She rolls her eyes before her tongue darts out, licking the entire broadside of my palm to get me to let her go. She squeezes into the backseat of the car with a grunt and I’m standing there momentarily shocked, staring at my wet hand.
“Did she just…?”
“She did.” Looks like the little kitten is more like a hellcat. “Let’s go. I’ll explain later.” I say, playfully patting his cheek with the same wet hand Collins dragged her sinful little tongue over.
I jog over to the driver side and slide in before peeling out onto the highway, my adrenaline spiking and blood roaring in my ears as memories of the shit that Tank fucker said boil back to the surface. I faintly register that Collins is trying to say something to me but I nod without really hearing her and continue to head back in the direction of our home, ignoring her now yelling at me from the back seat and Riley’s questioning stares. Without even looking at him I can feel the nervous energy radiating off of him in potent waves.