I will find her, and I will bring her ass home.
The question I hold onto is whether her skin will be adorned with a mark in the distinct shape of my palm on her ass.
The voicemail message beeps in my ear and I hesitate for a moment. What the fuck should I even say to her after all this time? I couldn’t call her last year because I was still blocked. But now…
“Stardust, where the fuck are you?” I bark at her the second I hear the beep of her voicemail. Oops. “Fuck, sorry. It’s just…I’m going insane because I can’t find you, Collins. I’m so fucking sorry that I failed you so many times. I know I sound like a broken record here, but it’s the truth. And I feel like I haven’t taken a breath in two. Fucking. Years, and I don’t think I’ll be able to unless I know you’re safe…with me. I have no idea where you’ve gone, or what you’ve been doing for the last two years, but I hope to God or whatever divine entity is out there listening that you’re okay. Fucking happy. Truly. There are so many things I want to tell you, to confess to you, Stardust. But I only want to say them to your face. In person.” I sigh, feeling really fucking irritated at this whole situation. “Collins, make no mistake, I will find you eventually, so just make it easy on the both of us and tell me where you are. Oh, and happy birthday, Stardust.”
Feeling as satisfied as I can be with that message, I hang up and start to strip, dropping my dirty clothes in the hamper on my way out of the closet and into the bathroom. I turn on the hot water, stand under the spray and involuntarily moan at the near-scalding temperature. Water only gets so hot on a tour bus and after traveling for months, it feels good to be home where I can decompress like this.
My thoughts start to drift towards that picture of Collins. The sound of her raspy voice, so soft, and so, so fucking sexy, and because I’m an absolute bastard, I imagine what her moans would sound like, or fuck, even the sound of her screaming my name. My cock hardens at the thought. Before I know it my dick is in my hand as I lean back against the tiles of the shower, my head dropping back as I start to fantasize.
It’s not my own hand jerking my cock, but small, soft, delicate fingers gripping me tight. Bright green eyes stare up at me as she works me, pumping from base to tip over and over, before leaning forward to flick her tongue over my reverse Prince Albert piercing. A shiver rushes up my spine at the thought of her closing those perfectly pouty lips over my head and sucking. Hard. My breathing picks up as I imagine her tongue licking up my shaft before taking me so fucking deep in her throat that her nose meets my pubic bone.
“Oh, fuck.” I grit through a clenched jaw as I grip my cock harder, working myself faster. Squeezing my eyes shut, the image of Collins comes back to me, and this time I’m jerking her up from her knees, lifting her into my arms and slamming her against the wall as she wraps her legs around me. I wonder where all of her sensitive spots are? Behind her ear? Along her neck by her shoulder? Fuck, what I would give to explore her body to find every. Single. One. I would fucking ravage her body with my mouth before gripping my cock and sliding it into her tight wet pussy, at home where it belongs.
Fucking hell. My hips start to buck into my fist on their own accord, my groan echoing throughout the now steaming bathroom. I’m too far gone in my fantasy about fucking Collins into oblivion to care about being quiet. I feel my balls start to draw up tight and my cock flexes and twitches in my fist as I fuck myself faster and harder to the mental image of my girl’s tits bouncing as I pound into her against the shower tiles. It’s the sound of her rasping out my name that I’ve fucking committed to memory that tips me over the edge.
“Fuck, Collins.” I let out a loud groan around her name as hot ropes of cum erupt from my cock, spilling over my fingers and painting my lower abs. The orgasm is strong and fucking intense, seemingly lasting forever before it finally ebbs.
Shame has no place here as I grab for the body wash and start to clean the mess I’d made of my body. I just had the strongest orgasm I’ve ever experienced to the thought of fucking my best friend’s little sister who’s been MIA for two fucking years. It’s not the first time I fantasized about her since she sent that last letter with the polaroid of herself, but this time felt…different. I can’t place why though.
After I finish my shower and dress myself in a pair of black joggers, I head down to the kitchen to heat up dinner my chef had prepared ahead of time. I don’t keep him on-staff all the time, only in the times I know I won’t be home, or won’t have the energy to cook for myself after performing. My phone buzzes in my pocket, interrupting my pursuit to get food into mine and Riley’s systems.
For a moment, an excitement sweeps through me, hoping it’s Collins calling me back. But my screen flashes with Tony’s ugly mug. It’s a photo he took of himself sticking his tongue out and flipping off the camera. He’s a fucking pain in the ass most days, hence why I changed his name in my phone to Asswipe. It’s fitting for his shitty personality. But we can’t deny he’s a fucking phenomenal bassist, so we tolerate his antics…for now.
I pop four burritos in the toaster oven for me and Riley before swiping over the screen to answer. “Miss me already, T?”
“You fuckin’ know it, baby!” I roll my eyes even though he can’t see me. “What are you and the kid up to tonight? Any plans?”
“Tony, we just fuckin’ got home not even an hour ago. Riley is passed out in his room and I’m heating up dinner.” I say, right before I hear the loud thumping bass of music on the other line of the phone. I huff out a frustrated sigh. “What could you possibly be doing already? How are you not worn out?”
“Man, forget your fuckin’ dinner and get your asses out here!”
“Out where, T?”
“This new club my buddy Rocks found. ‘S called Viper. It’s in this shady-ass building downtown but the entry fee is cheap and the dancers are hot as fuck.” Well. This could be really interesting, or really bad because Rocks is a fucking moron on the best of days. “I heard their ‘star girl’ is doing her set tonight. Listen,” he says, his voice dropping to a low, conspiratorial level and it just makes it harder to hear him over the music in the background. “You can even pay for private dances…” His voice shakes with excitement, no doubt having taken something before going out. Suddenly his tone dropped into a whisper-shout, “I heard some of the chicks here’ll even give you a…happy ending…for the right price, of course.”
“You know that’s prostitution, right? You get caught doin’ that shit and your ass is going to jail, T.”
“That’s why we don’t get caught. Rocks says they sign this DNA thing and they can’t say shit.” Fucking Christ. I rue the day we hired this asshat.
“You mean NDA?” I pinch the space between my brows, already feeling a headache coming on from the shit he’s no doubt about to drag us through.
“Whatever man, just roll Riley out of bed and get your asses out here—oh, fuck, here she comes!” he yells and whoops through the phone. I hear a sultry beat start up in the background. “Guys! You gotta come see this chick, holy f—” the line cuts out before he can finish right as the toaster oven timer dings.
I grab one of the burritos and wrap it in a paper towel before making my way back to Riley’s room. His door is now shut so I knock twice before hearing him give the okay to open the door. I push the door open as Riley pulls a plain black shirt over his head and shakes out his damp hair, mussing it up again. The guy lives for the organized chaos look.
“Hey, what’s up?” Riley asks as he slips his feet into some Frankfurter slippers that Ayla got him as a gag gift for Christmas last year.
I cross the room and hold the burrito out to him. “Quick dinner.”
“Thanks. That all?” He says as he takes it from me and quirks a brow before taking a huge bite.
“Tony called,” I start, and Riley instantly rolls his eyes.
He snorts. “Of course he did. What kind of trouble did he get himself into already?” he asks, taking another huge bite.