Page 17 of Brooks

“Zane, don’t you dare leave us!” I shouted, my heart pounding in my chest. But even as I said the words, I knew that this was the price we paid—the sacrifices we made for our brothers in the Red Devils MC.

“Take care of ‘em... Tina... Kennedy...” Zane’s breath hitched. “They’re all that matters...”

“Zane, stay with me!” I pleaded, gripping his hand, desperate to keep him conscious. But despite my best efforts, I could feel his grip on my hand weakening, his eyes beginning to glaze over.

“Brotherhood... always...” Those were his final words before his eyes closed, and I knew he was gone. My friend, my brother, had given his life for mine—the ultimate sacrifice.

“Rest easy, brother,” I choked out through my tears. “I will make this right. I promise.”

As I cradled Zane’s lifeless body, the weight of his sacrifice bore down on me like a crushing anvil. My eyes threatened to spill over with tears, but I couldn’t afford that luxury right now. The battle was still raging around us, the deafening roar of gunfire and the acrid scent of smoke filling the air.

“Brooks!” Dax shouted above the cacophony, his face contorted with urgency. “We have to move! We can’t let Zane’s death be in vain!”

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat, and gently laid Zane down on the cold warehouse floor. He deserved better than this—we all did. But it wasn’t over yet. Tina and Kennedy were still trapped, still in danger. And I had promised Zane that I would protect them.

“Cover me!” I barked at the other Red Devils as I scrambled to my feet, my heart pounding like a jackhammer. With every step I took, the pain of losing Zane twisted inside me like a knife, threatening to tear me apart. But I couldn’t fall apart now—not when my family needed me most.

“Damn it, Zane,” I muttered under my breath as I darted from cover to cover, bullets whizzing past my head. “I hope you’re watching over us.”

As we pushed deeper into the Pistons’ warehouse, the full extent of their wickedness became clear. The walls were adorned with sickening trophies, reminders of the lives they’d destroyed. It only fueled my determination to bring them down and save Tina and Kennedy.

“Over there!” Dax yelled, pointing to a door at the end of the hallway. I could hear muffled cries from behind it—the sound making my blood run cold.

“Stay focused, Brooks,” I told myself, my hands shaking as I gripped my gun. “You can do this.”

“Ready, brother?” Dax asked, his eyes filled with concern as he looked at me.

I nodded, taking a deep breath to steady myself. “Let’s end this.”


The stench of sweat filled the room as I kicked open the door, my heart pounding in my chest. It felt like a sick joke. There they were, Tina and Kennedy, bound to chairs. But they weren’t alone—a man stood behind them, holding a knife to Tina’s throat.

“Brooks,” Tina gasped, eyes wide with terror. “Please, do something.” The desperation in her voice sliced through me like a razorblade.

“Let ‘em go,” I growled, trying to hide how shaken I was by the sight before me. “Or I’ll kill you where you stand.”

“Brave words, Devil,” the man sneered, pressing the edge of the blade into Tina’s delicate skin. A drop of blood welled up, and I clenched my fists, knuckles white. “But I don’t think you want your wife’s blood on your hands.”

I knew I had to get them out of this situation, even if it meant sacrificing myself. The thought of losing Tina and Kennedy tore at my soul, but I couldn’t let them die. No matter what.

“Let ‘em go and take me instead,” I said, my voice cracking. The man laughed, low and cruel.

“Look at you,” he taunted, turning his attention back to Tina. “Your husband’s ready to die for you. Touching, really. Does that scare you?”

Tina stared him dead in the eye. “You don’t scare me,” she spat, the fierce love of a mother and wife burning bright within her.

“Really?” the man sneered, tightening his grip around Tina’s throat. “How about now?”

“Enough!” I roared, unable to bear seeing her in pain any longer. “Take me, you bastard. Just let them go.”

In that moment, I knew damn well what I was risking. Death wasn’t something that scared me—not when it came to protecting my family. But I also knew Tina better than anyone. She had a strength inside her that could withstand anything. This man didn’t scare her. And as long as she held onto that strength, I had faith that we’d make it out of this hell alive.

“Alright,” the man said, his eyes locked on mine. “You’ve got yourself a deal. But remember… your wife’s life is still in my hands.”

As he spoke those chilling words, I steeled myself for whatever may come next. Whatever it took, I would save my family. At any cost.

As I prepared myself for whatever twisted game, the man had planned, a sharp crack echoed throughout the room. The man’s grip loosened on Tina’s throat, and I watched in shock as his lifeless body crumpled to the floor, blood leaking from the middle of his forehead.