A chorus of murmurs rippled through the group. I could see the concern etched on their faces, their loyalty shining through. These men were my family, and now they’d be helping me save mine.
“Alright, brothers,” Zane took over, his authoritative voice cutting through the chatter. “We’re going to split up into teams. Some of you will hit the streets. The rest of us will work on tracking down any leads we find.”
“Bullet, you and your crew check our contacts. They might have heard something about who’s behind this,” Zane continued. Bullet nodded, a solemn expression on his face, and gestured for his group to follow him.
“Razor, you take another team and keep an eye on known enemies. See if anyone’s acting out of the ordinary or making moves they shouldn’t be.” Razor, a tall, lanky man with a shock of red hair, saluted before gathering his crew.
“Brooks and I will coordinate everything,” Zane said, looking at me for confirmation. I nodded, gripping his shoulder in gratitude. “We’ll work together, and we won’t stop until we’ve found Tina and Kennedy.”
“Let’s ride!” I shouted, my voice filled with determination. My brothers responded with a deafening roar of their engines, the sound sending shivers down my spine.
The smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke lingering in the air. I couldn’t help but feel a surge of hope. The Red Devils MC was a force to be reckoned with when united, and seeing them all gathered around me, ready to fight for my wife and daughter, gave me strength.
“Brooks,” Zane’s voice broke through my thoughts. “You okay, brother?”
I looked into his eyes, which held concern mixed with determination. “Yeah, just...thankful for all of you.”
“Hey, we’re family,” he said, pounding his chest over his heart. “Now, let’s go find Tina and Kennedy.”
We split up, each team taking their designated routes. As I revved my motorcycle, the roar of the engines around me felt like a battle cry. We were going to war, and I wouldn’t rest until I had my family back.
The streets flew by as we raced through the city, our bikes cutting through the night like metallic predators. My mind kept returning to Tina and Kennedy—what they must be going through, how much I missed them.
“Damn it,” I muttered under my breath as I took another sharp turn. My resolve hardened, every mile bringing me closer to finding my family.
“Brooks!” Zane shouted through the helmet comms, snapping me out of my inner turmoil. “We got a lead. Sounds like one of Bullet’s contacts knows something.”
“Where are we meeting?” I asked, my pulse quickening.
“Abandoned warehouse off 5th Street. Let’s move!”
We raced through the city, adrenaline pumping through our veins. As we approached the warehouse, I saw Bullet and his crew waiting for us, their faces grim.
“Talked to one of my guys,” Bullet began, his voice tense. “He says there’s been chatter from the Pistons wanting to make us pay. Who else would be stupid enough to kidnap our Vice President’s family?”
“Raptor has no idea what he’s done.” My hands clenched into fists. “Did you get a location?”
“Still working on that,” he replied. “But we’re getting closer.”
“Good. We won’t stop until we find them and make them pay.” My voice was a low growl, every word filled with fierce resolve.
“Damn right,” Zane chimed in. “We’ll tear this city apart if we have to, but we’re bringing your family home, Brooks.”
As I looked around at the faces of my brothers, their expressions mirroring my determination, I felt an unshakeable sense of purpose. The Red Devils MC were united, and together, we would bring down hell on whoever dared to harm my family.
“Let’s ride!” I shouted, the roar of our engines echoing through the night as we set off once more, a relentless force bent on justice.
The distant hum of motorcycles filled the air as I stood beside my brothers, Ryder and Zane, in the garage of the Red Devils Motorcycle Club. My gaze traveled from one face to the other, both men worn with worry, their eyes reflecting the weight of the situation.
“Alright, listen up,” Ryder said, taking control as the strategic mastermind he was known to be. “I’ll use my informants and surveillance equipment to help you find Tina and Kennedy.”
“Thank you, Ryder,” My gravelly voice was filled with gratitude but laced with a hint of desperation. This wasn’t the first time I had relied on Ryder’s skills, but this was different. The stakes were higher than ever.
“Let’s start with what we know and work our way from there,” he suggested, knowing that every second counted. We retreated to his makeshift war room, where maps and photographs covered the walls, and multiple monitors displayed feeds from his extensive network of cameras.
“Ryder, you got eyes all over town, huh?” Zane remarked, raising an eyebrow at the sheer scale of my operation.