Page 86 of Caged Bliss

“Please, Angelo, please, soap me up and fuck me.” I say it as over-the-top as I can.

And it still makes his eyes flash with lust. “That’s all I needed to hear.” He extracts my mug and places it next to his on the nightstand before he drags me into the bathroom and takes off my clothes.

I never would’ve imagined I’d kiss a man before brushing my teeth first thing in the morning, much less right after drinking coffee, and yet here I am, Angelo’s tongue in my mouth and his hands on my skin. He palms my breasts and my ass and I grind my hips against his thigh. Basically humping him. He moans into my mouth, and I moan right back.

The shower is perfect. He sits me right on the ledge where we keep most of our shampoo and soap and stuff, gets between my legs, and licks my pussy until I scream. Warm water beads off his back as he does it. I shudder, nearly black out, then he fucks me into pure oblivion. My legs are jelly and my head is mush by the time we’re finished, and it’s back to bed for both of us, slightly damp, washed and fresh, but far from clean.

“Is this what we’re doing today?” I ask him, head on his chest. His heart beats steady, slow, and strong.

“More or less. Do you have any other ideas?”

“Not even slightly. There’s nothing else in the world I’d rather do.” I smile to myself and don’t look up at him. “Is that weird to admit? I mean, I feel like I wouldn’t have said that out loud even just a few days ago.”

“It’s not weird at all. I feel the same way.”

A shiver of excitement and anticipation curls down my spine. “Can I admit something to you?”

“If you’re about to tell me that I’ve got the nicest dick you’ve ever felt in your whole life, there’s no need to say it out loud.”

“That’s true, but not what I was going to say.” I kiss his chest and hold him tighter. “I’ve never done this before. I mean, I’ve had boyfriends and stuff when I was younger, but this—” I gesture vaguely around the room with my hands.

“What, lie in bed with a man?”

“No, I mean, just spent the entire day together. And not want to do anything else. You know what I mean? With my other boyfriends it was like I had to be doing something. I couldn’t sit still for ten seconds. But with you, I could be in bed all day and never get bored.”

His fingers drift through my hair. I love the way he touches me. I love how soft his sheets are, how comfortable his room is. “I know exactly what you mean. Before prison, I never would’ve wanted to stay in bed for more than the few minutes it takes to wake up. I was always working and rushing around and getting in trouble. Now, when you’re here, I want to slow down.”

“Did prison change you?”

“Yes, but I think I was changing before that.” He sighs and puts his hands behind his head. I stare at his biceps and the veins in his forearms, and I’m amazed by how beautiful this man is. “All my life I’ve been the youngest Bianco brother, which means I’ve been the least important.”

“That can’t be true.”

“Simon was the heir and Davide was the warrior. That left me trying to find my own path. And I won’t lie, I struggled for a while, at least until I put together my crew.” He smiles to himself, far away now. “Tommy was first. We’ve known each other since we were teenagers. Then Paulie next, and Roc and Vito later on. We clicked, and we caused some fucking mayhem, but as we got older all the running around, the fighting, killing, drugs, money, it all began to get old. I think that was the beginning of the end.”

“You think they turned on you because you were tired of being a gangster?”

He laughs softly and shakes his head. “No, baby, I never got tired of that. I think they turned on me because I wasn’t ambitious enough. Tommy made bigger promises and that won them over. I was going to raise them up through the Bianco ranks, but Tommy wanted to build his very own crime family.”

I can imagine how that might be seductive. In the Bianco Famiglia, there’d be a ceiling to how far they could rise, even working with the son of the Don at the time. But in their own family, they could be the top of the top, the heads of everything.

“How does prison fit in then?”

“It showed me what’s important. When I was alone in my cell, I wasn’t thinking about making street deals. I was thinking about revenge, but also about building my family and making it stronger. I was thinking about a real future, not some bullshit struggle, not some little street crew, but a future and a legacy.” He looks down at me and tilts my chin up toward him. “That’s where you come in.”

“A future?” I ask, my heart suddenly racing. “And a legacy?”

“It’s okay if that freaks you out. I’m just not going to pretend like I’m not seeing you as my future, that’s all. I’m in this, baby, and like I said before, you’re all mine. But what I haven’t said is once I take you, I’ll never let you go.”

I shiver and shuffle up to kiss him. “Good. I don’t want you to.”

His arms hug me tight and I give myself over to him until we’re kissing, seriously and deeply, and I have a feeling we’re not getting out of this bed anytime soon.

Late afternoon sunlight streams through the trees that line the oasis. It’s quiet out and even the city feels hushed. I walk with Angelo, hand in hand, toward a house across the street from his.

“This is one of the houses that got rebuilt after the attack,” he says, which explains why it looks brand new. “I only got to see the aftermath, but we’ve been fixing the damage from that day for a long time now.”

“What’s this one being used for?”