Page 93 of Caged Bliss

“Baby, I haven’t even begun.” He kicks the door shut, teeth gleaming behind a big smirk. “Now get upstairs and let me get started on that spoiling.”

Chapter 48


Club Cage keeps moving. That’s the beauty of a place like this. Even with Tommy gone and half the staff fired, it continues, mostly thanks to Rodrigo and a sudden flurry of hiring. Walking the main floor, I barely recognize a quarter of the girls. Some redhead’s grinding away in the main cage, and I watch her for a minute, thinking about Claudia and how good she used to look in there. But like hell I’ll ever let her dance that way ever again. I don’t know how I handled it before.

“You better not be checking her out.” Claudia appears at my elbow. She’s in a tight black dress and looks like sin and sex and heaven all wrapped up into one tight package. I lean over and kiss her.

“I was picturing you in there.”

“Really? Should I get my old job back? Honestly, I do miss guys trying to shove cash between my boobs.”

“Don’t even fucking joke,” I snarl at her.

She laughs and asks the bartender for a gin and tonic. It shows up, on the house of course, since she’s with the owner now.

Technically, I’m not sure who’s in charge of Cage. Simon hasn’t made me the official ruler of this little kingdom as of yet, but since it’s my name still on most of the paperwork, I’m treating it like a matter of time.

“I heard from Serena this morning,” Claudia says, sipping her drink through a tiny straw. “She’s doing good. Two months in and she says she’s already feeling more like herself.”

“She’s got a ways to go,” I warn her. “But she’s making good progress.” That’s what Cathy’s been telling me, at least. I get regular status updates on my wife’s sister’s sobriety.

“I’m proud of her, you know? When she was with Tommy, her whole life was drugs and partying. Now she’s talking about finding a job, figuring out what she wants in life, you know, that sort of stuff. Getting a purpose.”

“She’ll be okay.” I tug my girl against my side and kiss her. “Speaking of a purpose, did you think more about my offer?”

Claudia shrugs and tilts her head as she looks out across the dancing crowd. “It’s not a bad idea, but I don’t know. I’m not exactly qualified. I barely graduated high school.”

“True, but you know this club and you know how to run it. There’s a learning curve, I won’t deny it, but you’ll be totally fine. You’re sleeping with the owner, after all.”

She rolls her eyes. “Nepotism. Pure and simple.”

“Damn right. Use the resources you have.”

“Use you? Don’t mind if I do.”

I laugh and kiss her. “Rodrigo needs help and I think you’d make a good manager. Yeah, the other girls might be annoyed and jealous, but it’ll pass and you’ll do great. At least think about it.”

“I’m thinking,” she says, and I can tell she’s going to take the job, even if she’s not sure she can handle it yet.

I have zero doubts about her. If anything, the past couple of months have shown me that she’s smart, strong, and resourceful, and that’s exactly what I need in a manager.

And I think this will be good for her. She’s still got this idea in her head that she’s nothing more than a high-school graduate with no worth and no prospects, but that’s bullshit.

She’s a survivor. She’s a tough girl from a shitty situation that made the best of a nightmare upbringing. Claudia could’ve ended up like her sister, but instead she held it together, and even managed to thrive. I’m nothing but impressed—and stupidly in love.

“One rule though,” I say as we head back to the steps. “No dancing.”

“Ah, come on, not even for old time’s sake? You can sit at the bar and stare at me the whole time.”

“Not even funny.”

She shrugs, grinning, and we head to the third floor. It’s quieter than it used to be with fewer girls in red wristbands, but those that stuck around are here by choice. We’ve picked a few more up over time too, women that want to be a part of this world.

The third floor is less about finding, fucking, and buying trafficked women, and more of a sex club for adults. Anything goes, and any wild dreams and kinks and fantasies can be indulged in the private rooms between consenting adults.

“Alright, what are we doing up here?” Claudia sounds a little suspicious as I take her toward a room at the far side of the meandering hallways. “I thought we were here for a little inspection of the premises.”