Glancing out the window at the falling snow fills me with that magical feeling I’d get as a kid when I knew it was going to be a snow day. Quickly, I text him back.

Everything is fine. I’m conserving my battery. Call you later.

I probably shouldn’t brush him off, but I don’t want Jamie interrupting the beautiful bubble of happiness that I’m in. I just want to be with Amos. It’s so easy, so natural when we’re together.

For a moment, I wonder what he’ll do when Jamie finds out. It’s not like I can keep something this big from him. What will Amos say? Is he willing to risk his friendship with my brother over us?

“What are you thinking about so intently?” His gruff voice interrupts my thoughts as he slides his arms around my hips and pulls me against his bare chest.

I let out a little sigh, loving the feel of him wrapped around my body. “It’s a perfect snow day and I know how we should spend it.” I tug on his hand, guiding it to cup my mound.

He drops his hand and chuckles, the sound a quiet rumble. “Nice try. I know you’re sore, woman.”

“There’s not some law against it,” I pout.

“What if I make you breakfast? You still like my French toast with extra syrup, right?” He nips at my neck.

“I want a different kind of breakfast,” I insist, turning my head so he has the perfect angle.

“Another day. We have decades to look forward to together,” he promises, placing a kiss on my head. “Now go get dressed while your man cooks for you.”

“So, let me see if I’ve got it right,” Amos says as he slides the last donut onto the metal baking tray. “We’ll put these in the proofer for forty minutes so they can expand before we dump them in the oil and cover them in the glaze.”

I give him a saucy wink from the stove where I’m stirring together the glaze mixture. “You’ve got it, baby. I’ll make a baker out of you yet.”

It’s been two days since I slept with Amos. He hasn’t touched me since, but I can see the hunger and heat in his gaze when he looks at me. He wants me even if he’s still giving my body time to heal.

His concern is nice but I’m ready to be under him again. Or maybe on top this time. The idea has all sorts of filthy fantasies going through my head. “So, where did you learn to tie knots like that?”

I want him thinking about that night. I want him remembering how good we felt together. I want his control to snap, dammit.

He starts pounding the next batch of dough out. I can’t sell anything until a town official inspects the kitchen and says it passes code. But that won’t be until after the snowstorm clears and business as usual resumes in Mount Bliss.

In the meantime, Amos and I are doing a couple of practice rounds, getting used to my new equipment and the kitchen.

“Saw a video about how to tie up your partner a couple of years back.” I watch his biceps straining and study the intricate tattoos on his arms. There are so many, and I have questions. “It kind of became an obsession after that, learning the different types of knots.”

“Think you could teach me?” I ask, working to keep my voice innocent.



“How about now? Try it,” Lyla instructs.

I tug the ropes around my wrists and ankles which tighten against my skin. Not painful but not enough to be aware of them. My hunting knife is nearby so I can be freed easily if needed.

She’s been after me for the past two days to teach her about knots. I finally caved tonight because well, there’s not much I won’t do for this woman.

“You got it this time,” I say. It took about an hour, but my girl knows how to do a Somerville Bowline now, which makes her even hotter in my eyes. Just gotta get free and show her that. “Now untie me.”

She circles around the chair in the center of the living room to stand in front of me. She shakes her head, mischief sparking in her gaze. “I don’t think so.”

I level her with a heated glance. “Undo the rope and I’ll make us both very happy.”

“You got to have your fun restraining me.” She holds up her fingers. “Three times this week. I think it’s fair to say it’s my turn.”

She’s so damn sexy when she’s trying to take control. I can play along for a few minutes. “Then do your worst, honey.”