She was dangerous.
I pulled halfway down my hidden drive, put the truck in park, and faced her. “You won’t always be able to help. The past two times were flukes and those need to be the last two times you help me.”
With a pointed look, she said, “Me giving you head didn’t relax you last night? The security checks I recommended at lunch – closing off an opening for a breach is a way for me to help you.”
I stared into her bright, brown eyes. “You can’t mouth off about that, though. My brothers hear that a woman’s influencing me, we’re both fucked.”
She made a skeptical face.
I leaned forward. “This isn’t the Riot MC. We’ll both be fucked.”
“I don’t quite see how, but I’ll take your word for it.”
I exhaled a chuckle. “Do you really want to be by my side? Old lady to the mother chapter President – at your age?”
Her brows slowly rose. “Well, I wasn’t kidding about your tongue. It’s fucking divine.”
In a flash, I caught the side of her neck in my mouth and gently bit her. She inhaled sharply, her nails driving into my hair. I pulled back. “I’m serious, Simone.”
She laughed. “Yeah, I got that. Honestly, I didn’t plan pregnancy at my age, but I’m rolling with it. And the more I’m with you, yeah, the more I want to be by your side.”
My eyes searched hers for any hesitation or insincerity. There was nothing there but openness and honesty. God, I loved that. Finally, I said, “You’ll have to move.”
She gave a small shake of her head. “At some point. What do you want? Can you handle an ol’ lady like me – at your age?”
With my hand at the back of her neck, I pulled her face to mine and kissed her as hard as I could. “Smart ass, you’re gonna get fucked in the truck instead of in my house.”
She grinned. “That sounds great, but you didn’t answer my questions.”
I nipped at her lips. “No, I didn’t. Guess I’m in the same boat. Didn’t plan on getting you pregnant, but I thought about you for weeks afterward. Now the more we’re together, the more I want you around.” I kissed her again. “And I can handle you at any age, baby.”
She reached across the console for my jeans. “Good. You going to fuck me now?”
I kissed her again, but guided her hand back to her lap. “No. Gonna do that shit in the house where I have room to move.”
Chapter 18
Not Free Any More
Even though I was tired, I couldn’t wait to see Steel’s home and to find out what he did with ‘room to move’.
The narrow, paved drive gave way to a bumpy road, and I realized the drive had brick pavers. Steel's house filled my vision and I almost gasped. The outside of his home reminded me so much of Mom and Dad’s house, it wasn’t funny. On one side, there was a two-car garage; the drive split off into a horseshoe shape in front of the house. The exterior was a creamy, khaki-colored siding with navy trim. A narrow walkway led to a double front door. Where Mom and Dad’s house had traditional looking French doors, these doors were a dark navy blue with vertical, chrome bars for door handles.
I hadn’t even set foot inside and I loved his house. It was stately and masculine, and it didn’t hurt that it looked like a show home.
“This is gorgeous,” I said.
He parked the truck. “You’re gorgeous. This is just a house.”
“As immaculate as the outside is, Steel, this is way more than just a house.”
He grinned. “Let me show you inside, and then I’ll come back and grab our bags.”
Steel unlocked the front door, moved to a small alarm panel and disarmed the system.
I stepped inside the foyer and stopped short. Outside, I’d noticed a wide chimney in the middle of the roof line. Standing inside, I realized the wall was the backside of a fireplace. The brick had been painted navy blue. Ordinarily, I’d call that a crime against bricks, but in this instance it seriously worked. A huge painting hung in the middle of the bricks. The background was a lighter shade of navy blue and in the foreground were wide, white stripes that looked like a pound-sign, but weren’t organized enough to be that symbol. Against the bricks though, the painting gave me the faint feeling of being in a jail cell.