I gave the waitress my credit card when my phone dinged with a text from Tie.
Since when do you give a shit about the club bitches?
It hit me that not all the brothers knew about the situation with Josie. I tapped out a reply.
Since that bitch fucked with my wallet and condoms, making me a Dad. Get her the fuck out.
Simone tossed a napkin on top of her plate. “I shouldn’t tell you this, but you’re freaking hot when you’re pissed.”
My eyes lifted to hers. “No, you shouldn’t tell me that.”
She stared at me. “Why not?”
I leaned forward and crooked my finger at her to do the same. Once her face was inches from mine, I whispered, “Because now I want to fuck you in the truck and that would get us arrested.”
She leaned back and laughed, long and loud. Three different men in the restaurant turned and stared at her. It took effort, but I kept myself from glaring at all of them. No question, she was stunning, but it hit me – she had that pregnancy glow. Her words from two days ago replayed in my mind.
The die is cast.
That was the truth. Watching her laugh like that, I couldn’t wait to watch her throughout the pregnancy.
She contained her laughter and shot a serious look at me. “That reminds me, were your security cameras installed by someone in the club?”
My brows drew together and I nodded. “Pretty sure, why?”
“Were they part of a kit?”
“Not sure, but probably.”
She nodded. “And they transmit through your Wi-Fi?”
“Hell if I know. Why do you ask?”
She nodded. “You need to reset the default password on the cameras if they’re on a network.”
She exhaled through her nose as if she were hiding a chuckle. “Most of those do-it-yourself camera networks have a default password and people don’t personalize it.”
“Your point?”
“It isn’t that hard to hack a default password, and with one of those cameras positioned on club girls in the hot tub, if someone hacked in they could stream or download footage of that and post it to certain types of websites.” Her eyes darted around to make sure no one was listening. “You know, sites that would get you the wrong kind of attention since I’m sure there’s probably something that makes it clear where the hot tub is located. Hell, your IP address would do that if nothing else.”
I tapped a finger on the table. “Let me make sure I understand what you’re saying, if the cameras have a generic password someone could hack into them, right?”
“Yes, that’s part of it.”
“Right, and if they did that, how could they…stream or post our video? Wouldn’t they only be able to watch?”
“They could do either. All I’m saying, is make sure you’ve changed your password to access the cameras. Though, repositioning that camera pointed at the hot tub would be a good idea too. Even if according to Kendall, Tie likes to watch in order to protect them.”
“Is that right?”
She widened her eyes at me. “I didn’t tell you that. I don’t need Tie being pissed at me on top of whatever grudge Torque has with me. Honestly, I cry bullshit on the protection excuse and so do some of the other women. That camera could easily be repositioned and still alert members to outside intruders.”
She was right. Seemed I needed to have words with my officers.
The waitress returned with my credit card, I scribbled in a hefty tip on the slip, stood, and led Simone toward the exit.