Page 65 of Break Out

With a low growl, I pulled my leg up and shifted so I could look in her eyes. “You aren’t doing any of that shit. You’re pregnant.”

Her eyes widened. “Yeah, and most people don’t even know since I’m not quite showing yet. Pregnant doesn’t mean I’m an invalid.”

“It also doesn’t mean you’re an MMA fighter.”

“Who said anything about fighting?”


Her lips twisted into a smirk. “A gun cuts any tussle short.”

I traced my finger along her cheekbone. “And if that gun gets wrestled away from you, what then? You end up shot, and I’m gonna be pissed.”


My eyes widened at her. “Yes, really. You were there when I told your mom I’d burn down the world for you.”

She shook her head. “That’s just an expression.”

I lowered my chin. “Not in my world – and you know it.”

She sighed. “Well, I wouldn’t want you going to jail.”

I shook my head. “I’d rather not have to go after anyone because they fucked with you.”

We were quiet for a moment as she mulled that over. She turned to me with a quizzical look. “Something in your tone sounded off. Have you been to jail?”

I nodded once.

“But you got out right away, right?”

Her eyes held so much anticipation.

I pressed my lips together. “No. I served nine months for manslaughter.”

She attempted to hide her surprise, but I could read her. “How did you get out after nine months?”

“Club lawyer appealed, got it overturned.”

“Wow,” she whispered.

“Yeah, I’m not the nice guy Jackie would have picked for you.”

“Like mother, like daughter,” she muttered.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

She twisted toward me. “Grandpa told me how much he, and especially Gran, wanted anybody but Dad for Mom.”

I grunted, imagining how much they’d despise me. Not that I’d care. “Do they know you’re pregnant?”

She frowned. “They passed away a few years back.”

“Sorry to hear that, sweetheart.”

The way her eyes warmed when she looked back to me… I hadn’t felt a punch like that in ages. “Yeah, me too.” She stood and went to the kitchen. “So, there’s maybe one glass of red wine in this bottle someone left, and six chicken wings left over in the fridge. It’s not a decent dinner, but I haven’t hit the grocery store yet.”

I suppressed a groan and stood. “Then put your shoes on. We’re going to get some seafood and then we’ll hit the store on the way back.”