“But if she’s yours, that would come with heavier protection, wouldn’t it?”
I shifted out of Steel’s hold. “Mom, you need to stop.”
“You need to stop and think about these things.”
“I have. Everyone keeps talking about a threat, but no details.” I pointed at Steel. “You should share if there’s more information, by the way.” I turned back to Mom. “But, there’s a risk being Dad’s daughter, too.”
“Old ladies and kids are off-limits.”
“Not always,” I said.
Mom’s eyes widened. “When have you ever been threatened?”
“You were threatened when you and Dad first met.”
“That was before he claimed me, so you’re only proving my point.”
Steel shook his head. “If the rumors are true, it was non-bikers who threatened you, so in reality, Simone’s right. There are risks to being anybody. Wrong place, wrong time happens plenty.” A sly gleam hit his eyes. “A woman who speaks up for her best friend when she’s been done wrong in such a heinous way garners the wrong kind of attention.”
Mom’s jaw shifted. “Thought you didn’t look into me and Volt?”
Steel grinned. “Not your address.” He tipped his head toward me. “She’s got spunk, and I asked a few people what they knew about how you and Volt met.”
Aunt Abby’s lips pursed and she narrowed her eyes at Steel. “Who would run their mouth about that?”
“Hard to say,” he said, looking at Aunt Abby.
From his expression, I realized he was telling her something else. I shook my head. “Uncle Blood would never.”
She turned her head to the side. “Sonuvabitch. I knew I should have stuck closer to him that last night at Bike Week.” She glanced back at Steel. “But you weren’t around for that conversation.”
He turned his hands up. “No, I was somewhere else.”
Mom grimaced. “This is getting awkward. I just want to know she and her baby are going to be safe.”
Steel nodded once. “She will be safe.”
From the set of Mom’s lips, I knew her irritation had amped up another notch. “Seeing as you aren’t claiming her, forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
“Someone fucks with her, it’s the last damned thing they’ll ever do, Jackie. I’ll burn their whole fuckin’ world down. Do you believe that?”
The conviction and malice in Steel’s tone alone had me believing him.
After a beat, Mom nodded. “Yes. I believe that.” She pointed a finger at him. “But let’s make sure it doesn’t come to that.”
Steel chuckled. “Yeah. That’s the plan.”
Chapter 13
Typical Trip to Target
Things in Jacksonville were worse than I’d suspected.
Very few hang-arounds meant no fresh blood to revive the chapter. Worse, if the rumors were true, the Corrupt Chrome MC was making inroads with the Southside Slayers – our main competitor in drug distribution in Jacksonville.
Jackhammer and Warden took direction well, but neither one of them had leadership skills. From what I could see, neither one of them wanted to lead a chapter.