‘Here’ happened to be a three-bedroom house at the beach that Alexandra had found on VBRO. We’d rented it for the week so I could work remotely Monday through Wednesday, because I only had the last two days of the week off.
Alexandra took her beach bag and backpack out to her car. She came back inside looking worried.
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s a guy out there just sitting on his Harley. I mean, it’s Bike Week so maybe that’s normal, but I called Dad just in case and made sure the guy saw me on my phone.”
I scurried to the window and peeked through the blinds.
The guy had his back to the house now, and his Devil Lancer patch couldn’t be missed.
“I really wish you hadn’t called Uncle Cal.”
I gave her a dry look. “Dad’s gonna swing by here now, and lose his mind all over again because that isn’t just some guy. He’s a Devil Lancer and my hunch is that Steel had him follow me home since he’d asked me to stay the night last night.”
Her eyes widened. “That should be good news. Why’d you come home?”
I chuckled but it sounded hollow. “He doesn’t want the baby. I guess you could say I stayed part of the night there since I didn’t get home until after four. He can’t be mad about that. This is overkill.”
“Oh, honey. I had no idea. He didn’t ask you to get an abortion, did he?”
“No, so that’s a relief.”
Before I could grab my phone, I heard the distinct sound of two Harleys coming down the street.
Alexandra stood at the window. “Oh, good. Dad’s here… and you were right. Your dad’s here too, and getting in this guy’s face.”
“What?” I asked hurrying to her side.
“I’m kidding, but he’s definitely having words with that guy.”
To my dismay, another bike roared up the street and I got my first look at Steel on his bike. I thought he couldn’t get any sexier, but I was dead wrong. He wasn’t wearing a helmet and his wavy hair had an incredibly sexy, wind-blown look to it. His eyes were hidden behind his dark-tinted wrap-around sunglasses.
“This just got awkward,” Alexandra said, turning to me.
“No thanks to you,” I muttered.
She chuckled. “I didn’t know. I’m getting out of here, now, so give me a hug.”
After a brief hug, I walked her to the door. She lugged her suitcase to her car. I followed her out, but stopped short on the narrow sidewalk outside the house.
Unlike Dad and Uncle Cal, Steel had pulled his bike up the drive and parked it behind my car.
Uncle Cal broke away from the huddle between Dad, the other Devil Lancer and Steel. He put Alexandra’s bag in her trunk and aimed a look at me. “You need to get back inside.”
I tossed a hand out toward the curb. “They don’t need to be arguing in the middle of the street.”
“They aren’t arguing.”
Steel tipped his head at the other Devil Lancer, turned on his heel and stalked up the drive way.
“Go inside and lock the door,” Uncle Cal said.
“She has nothing to fear from me, Callous.”
I didn’t think I had anything to say to Dad or Steel, so I turned and went in the house. Steel was right on my heels and followed me inside. I started to close the door and saw Dad coming up the walk.