“You’re going to kill him in cold blood?” Rafferty asked.
I shrugged. “He fucked with the woman I love. Hell, he fucked with two people I love even if I haven’t met that baby yet. I know what I’m about to do is wrong, but I’m doing it for the right reasons.”
“Your reasons,” Rafferty countered.
I twisted a hand up. “Men like Knuckles can’t just barge in and throw their weight around because they got involved with a bad cartel. You got a decision to make, Rafferty. If living by our code bothers you, then you’re cut out more for the Riot than the Devil Lancers.”
“It’s too soon to head over there, Steel. Your woman can survive a skipped meal,” Nelson said, sipping some water.
The glare I aimed at him should have incinerated him.
He straightened and held his hands up in surrender. “I know she’s pregnant, but Torque’s right. We have to be smart. Won’t be cool if you’re six feet under when she has the baby.”
“Or in prison,” Torque muttered.
I blew out a breath. “Right.”
“You don’t know who else is there. I’m not a member, let me see what I can find out,” Rafferty suggested.
Nelson’s eyes widened and he looked impressed. Torque tipped his head to the side, a ghost of a smile playing at his lips.
I leveled a stern gaze at Rafferty. “Be very damned careful.”
He stood. “Goes without saying. Never been to this ‘hood. Seeing as the place backs up to a cemetery, I shouldn’t be spotted.”
“Make sure you aren’t,” I said.
Torque stared at the door after Rafferty left. “He might have potential.”
I shook my head. “The cemetery was part of my plan, too. No question he has what it takes to prospect with us.”
Torque nodded. “I’ll have to ignore him being a Riot kid.”
I arched a brow. “Or admit that it’s the Riot that makes him worthy.”
Torque let that go. “What about the other chapters? Vegas is getting hit pretty hard.”
I sighed. “Yeah, Shark and I had a talk last week about the ways Corrupt Chrome is causing them problems. Tell him to light a fire.”
Torque pulled out his phone. “Raleigh and Miami, too?”
“No. More than one Corrupt Chrome clubhouse getting hit like that won’t fly and would get us more attention.”
Twenty minutes later, Nelson looked around at the bar. “What did you do with the Ketamine?”
My eyes locked with Torque’s. “Did Greco have it?” He was one of the brothers who would use Special K if it was on offer.
Torque shook his head. “I saw it here while the kid messed with the iPad.”
“Fuck,” I hissed, grabbing my phone to text Rafferty.
I know what you took. Don’t use it.
He responded ten minutes later.
No idea what you’re talking about.
No. You don’t know what you’re doing.