“Yeah, yeah but you’re gonna miss us, and Abby, and Trixie.”
I shook my head. “You’re probably right, but it’s not like I can’t visit.”
“I know. Now what did Alexandra text you about?”
“Nothing,” I said a little too fast.
She gave me a pointed look. “It wasn’t about Rafferty was it? Trixie’s getting worried about him, and that is saying something.”
I moved to the door and shrugged. “I don’t know what there is to worry about with Raff, but she didn’t text about him. Just some issues with a hard-nosed professor.”
Mom shook her head. “She isn’t majoring in the same subject as you. How would you know about a hard-nosed professor?”
“Because she told me about this issue during Bike Week,” I said, opening the door.
“Something tells me you’re lying.”
I stopped at the check-out counter and locked eyes with her. “Mom, it wasn’t about Rafferty. And even if it was, she wouldn’t want me discussing it with you.”
She nodded. “You’re right. I’ve taught you too well.” She smiled. “I hope you end up with a girl so you can experience this bizarre déjà vu of hearing yourself talk back to you.”
A baby girl with Steel’s eyes and bossy disposition. I was not prepared for that.
I smiled. “It’s not my fault you taught me so well.”
“Nice save. Schedule your next appointment.”
For the first time since we started living together, Steel didn’t come home for dinner. After the ultrasound appointment, he’d told me he’d be late because of club business, so it wasn’t a surprise. I was surprised by the fact I fell asleep reading in bed at around five-forty-five. I hadn’t done that since moving to Jacksonville.
So much for a second-trimester energy boost.
The rustling of the covers woke me and I rolled toward Steel. “Hey, Ray.”
He chuckled. “It’s a good thing you’re cute. Nobody calls me Ray.”
I hummed while I snuggled up to him. “Everything okay? What time is it?”
“Everything’s fine and it’s ten-thirty. Did you eat dinner? Or just zonk out?”
“Both. I ate at five-fifteen because this child of ours is turning me into an old lady, and then I brushed my teeth and curled up to read… only I fell asleep.”
He kissed my neck. “I’d say I’m sorry, but you need sleep so our little boy can grow big and strong.”
My eyes flew open, not that Steel could see that in the dark. “What do you mean ‘little boy’? I thought you didn’t want to know.”
He chuckled. “I don’t want to know. I was projecting what I want.”
My head reared back. “That sounds very new-age-ish for a biker like you.”
His arms tightened around me. “No, but I’m not exactly thrilled with the idea of a little girl. Don’t get me wrong, she’d be so fuckin’ beautiful, but her beauty would do me in. I wouldn’t know what to do… kill first and ask questions later, or let her live her life like a decent dad would and deal with the fall out as it comes.”
I giggled. “It’s funny, Mom hopes I end up with a girl so I have to listen to someone be just as sassy as me.”
He groaned. “Yeah. Definitely pulling for a boy, two gorgeous firecrackers in my life might kill me.”
I kissed his jaw. “We won’t both be sassy at the same time.”
He laughed. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Simone. Let’s get some rest. If you’re up for it, I’d like to hit the road first thing in the morning.”