I hurried to Simone, untied her hands, and scooped her into my arms.
“Thank God you found me. I didn’t think you’d ever get here,” she said, tucking her face close to my neck.
“Yeah, baby. It’s been killing me not being able to charge in here.”
“Why did he slit their throats?” she asked.
Nelson heard her and said, “That cartel they use likes to slit throats. Makes it that much more believable.”
She pulled her face free and caught Nelson’s gaze. “I think that toilet lid put a wrench into that plan.”
Nelson grinned maniacally. “Nah. Zombieland for the win, baby.”
Simone smiled and looked at Volt. “Aunt Andrea would love him.”
Volt wheezed out a single laugh. “Goddammit, I love you, babydoll.”
I put Simone down so Volt could hug her.
“Love you too, Dad. Thanks for coming.”
“Let’s get you and Rafferty the fuck out of here,” Volt said.
“Did he get stabbed?” I asked.
Volt shook his head. “Not that I saw. You take her, and I’ll get him out.”
Chapter 28
Once we arrived at Steel’s house, everything became a whirlwind of activity. Mom wrapped me in a fierce hug, then held me at arm’s length to make sure I was all right. Aunt Abby – who’d apparently driven up separate from Uncle Blood – introduced me to a local doctor and they took me to Steel’s room. There wasn’t much they could do without hospital equipment, but the doctor asked me how much Ketamine I’d been given. To my surprise Steel had produced the vial that was used.
The doctor advised getting in to see my doctor on Monday, but the amount was small and our baby would likely survive.
“Thank fuck,” Steel said, and wrapped his arms around me.
“That’s a huge relief,” I whispered.
“You need to get some rest,” the doctor said.
“I’d rather shower first,” I muttered.
The doctor nodded. “Understandable.”
Once the doctor and Abby cleared out of the room, Steel led me to the bathroom.
“We’re showering together, Jade. Need to have you at my side for a little longer. I love you so damn much, and the thought of losing you…”
I touched my finger to his lips. “You aren’t losing me, tough guy.”
Half-an-hour later, I sat at Steel’s massive dining table with him sitting next to me. I had on one of Steel’s black t-shirts and my favorite pair of sleep shorts – a prospect had swung by with my suitcase. I was so grateful; whoever the prospect was, they deserved their patch now rather than later.
Mom and Shelly served up a smorgasbord of food. I had inhaled a stuffed manicotti and garlic bread. Mom insisted I eat some salad, and I complied because I was so famished.
Steel’s cell vibrated. Reluctantly, he peeked at the screen and shook his head. “I gotta take this, Jade.”