Page 147 of Break Out

Cal shook his head. “Great… a cemetery.”

“This way to the guns and ammo, boys,” Torque said, leading the way out the back door.

Cal and Blood followed Torque.

Volt stopped me in the common room. “I’m not going to keep you from getting to Simone, but be reasonable. For all you know, Knuckles is going to have someone watching her in that house. If he doesn’t check in or give some signal, she could end up hurt worse than she already is. She has to be rescued while Knuckles is at the river.”

I bit my lip. What did I want more: her safety or revenge?

It was a no-brainer.

“Fine. I’ll have Torque take point on ambushing Knuckles and Manuel. You and I can rescue her from that house.”

I kept my eyes on the speedometer, not letting it go over thirty on this residential road. When I’d looked at the map earlier, it had slipped my mind that this cemetery was less than a mile from the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office.

Gravel crunched under the tires as I turned into the narrow drive of the cemetery. I navigated the winding drive until we were on the southern side of the property which would put us behind the house. Once I pulled the truck to a stop, I caught the gleam of Rafferty’s Harley and Nelson’s Triumph.

Volt and I made little noise as we walked across the grass.

When we were eight feet away, Nelson straightened from a crouch and gave me a chin lift. “Prez.”

Rafferty turned around, holding a pair of binoculars. “Volt.”

Volt dipped his chin and spoke in a low voice. “Later, we’re gonna have words.”

Rafferty shrugged one shoulder and tilted his head to the side like it didn’t matter to him. Anyone would see through that show of bravado, though. Especially a man like Volt.

“Knuckles hasn’t left yet,” Nelson said.

I nodded and examined the fence. It was iron bars, and I didn’t like the idea of trying to scale it.

Nelson followed my gaze. “Don’t worry. There’s a huge gap twenty feet away. Looks like the fence was damaged in that tornado that tore through here last fall.”

“Good.” I caught Rafferty’s gaze. “Have you been able to see anything with the binoculars?”

Rafferty shook his head. “Only when Mug did his walk-around and Josie left. They got curtains covering all the windows.”

I itched to make an approach and kill Knuckles now, but that would draw too much blow-back on the club. It took all my self-control to let this plan play out.

From the direction of the house, someone yelled, “Did this shit already, you’re paranoid, man.”

Rafferty turned back to the house and raised the binoculars to his eyes.

“Are they night-vision?” I whispered to Nelson.

He nodded. “Smart, right?”

“It’s Mug again,” Rafferty said in a low voice.

I sidled up to Rafferty and he handed me the binoculars. Mug trudged around the house so fast, he wasn’t cataloging anything as he went.

Handing the binoculars back to Rafferty, I looked over my shoulder at Volt. “He half-assed it. Once he’s back inside, we should get in position to find a decent place to break inside.”

The sound of a motorcycle starting filled the air. I pulled my cell from my back pocket when I heard the engine rev.

“You texting Torque?” Nelson asked.
