Volt leveled a vicious glare on Torque. “Those last two assholes threatened her at a Target. They deserve vengeance as much as Knuckles.”
I nodded. “I agree. They’ll get theirs.”
Volt caught my gaze. “I’m here to help. We won’t sell you out. Hell, we’d be accessories, or accomplices, depending. I’d rather make those assholes fuckin’ pay.”
Torque shrugged at me. “If you trust them, then I trust ‘em.”
“As much as I’d love for them to suffer, it would be better if we slit their throats in the box truck. If this is supposed to be a drug shipment gone wrong, having three Corrupt Chrome members dead in the truck makes it more believable.”
“Jesus, this is complex,” Cal said.
“You’re right,” I said. “I’d much rather storm the house and get my woman out, but I have to end Knuckles, then go get her.”
“You could divide and conquer,” Cal said.
“Would you let someone else save your woman?” I asked.
“I wasn’t given a choice,” he said. From his dry, disappointed tone, I could tell it still bothered him.
“I’m getting her out,” I said, my eyes landing on Volt.
He nodded. “That’s fine, but I’m gonna be right there.” He looked to Jackie. “You’re gonna have to stay here.”
I shook my head. “No. I’d rather have her go to my place. I can give you directions if you want to drive there yourself, or I’ll have Torque’s old lady take you, which would be better since she’s got the code to get inside.”
Jackie shook her head. “Not a damned chance. The moment you save her, she needs to go to a hospital and have that baby checked out. I’ll be at the nearest hospital.”
Blood dipped his chin. “You were planning to have her checked out at your house, weren’t you?”
I twisted my hands up. “A pregnant woman who says she was drugged garners not only the attention of the cops, but social workers and others. We don’t need that. We need to know the baby’s okay, and that she’s okay.”
Jackie’s shoulders slumped and she turned her head to the side. “Shit. You're right.”
“And seeing as the asshole hasn’t fed her all day, I thought you would know what kinds of food will help her feel better,” I said.
Jackie put her fist on her mouth and twisted her head for a moment, then she looked at Volt. “I don’t give a shit, Volt. I want this asshole’s balls cut off. Starving a pregnant woman…”
I caught Jackie’s gaze. “Do you want to drive to my place… or would you like Shelly to—”
“I think Shelly should take me. I’m not to be trusted right now, because raining on your parade sounds like a far better plan.”
Torque stood. “Follow me, then. I’ll introduce you so you and Shell can get on your way.”
“Now that you convinced Jackie to leave, what’s next? Raid your arsenal?” Cal asked.
“You didn’t bring your own guns?” Torque asked as he came back into the room.
Cal nodded. “Yeah, but something tells me we need to be well fuckin’ prepared for these assholes. Cartels don’t fuck around – with or without a rogue leader.”
I stood. “Yeah. We don’t have a lot of time, an hour and a half goes quick, especially since we need to load three bikes onto a box truck.”
“What about Rafferty? You sending him back here?” Blood asked.
I arched my brows. “He’s watching the house where Simone is. Hell, he’s the reason we found her at all. Him and Alexandra. Another brother is with him—”
“They could be spotted,” Cal said.
My lips tipped up. “Not likely, seeing as they’re in a cemetery.”