Her lips pressed together and she fumed.
I put my mug on the counter and approached her. “I like where your head is at, but it’s not happening. Besides, I don’t want them to have problems, I want them gone. Completely.”
“You’re going to k—”
I put a finger on her lips. “Stop. I didn’t say that.”
She took her yogurt container to the trash can. “I don’t see Dad being able to help you with that.”
A small smile crossed my face. “Funny, he convinced me to dismantle the Jacksonville chapter years ago.”
“Yeah, but it didn’t completely get rid of the chapter, seeing as that’s why you’re back now.”
I nodded. “That’s true, but that situation was different all around.”
“How so?”
My reflex was to shut this conversation down, but part of me wanted to share. “Volt was far more diplomatic about shit for many reasons. I confronted Knuckles and diplomacy isn’t going to get me anywhere with him.”
Her mouth dropped open. “When did you do that?”
And this was another reason I didn’t share with women. Too easy for me let shit slip that should have been kept quiet.
“Before I brought donuts back on Sunday.”
Her eyes went wide, she turned her head to the side, and then back to me. “Okay, no more of that.”
I couldn’t hold back my laughter if I tried. “Or what, sweetheart?”
She shook her head. “Listen, Raymond ‘Steel’ Reynolds, the last thing I want is to be a single mom because I’m a widow!”
“I’m not going to make you a widow.”
“You can’t promise that. Especially if you’re meeting with men named ‘Knuckles’!”
I fought off my laughter. “Sweetheart, you were fine with me setting the meet at Target.”
Her eyes widened again. “Yeah, because that gave you time to set up cover for yourself. Not leave it wide open to get ambushed.”
I closed the distance between us. “Pretty sure it’s easier for him to ambush me with that much time for planning.”
“Whatever. You were there alone – not even Rafferty or anyone knew where you were.”
I shrugged. “This has to get resolved and I prefer to go straight to the source.”
She frowned. “I love the efficiency, but going to the source won’t matter if you’re dead. Just saying, I will make that man’s life hell if that happens.”
“No. Our son or daughter needs their momma. Not to be an orphan.”
“You’re right. But don’t underestimate me.”
“Are you sure you were born to be a president’s old lady? This comes with the territory. A year or two from now it could be some other club coming for me.”
She blinked and sighed. “I’m cool with it.”
“You won’t go back on that, right?”