“I’m Turk’s woman.”
I shifted on my feet. Part of me worried if I sat down, I might not be able to get back up in such a cramped space with my wrists bound. “Oh, I didn’t realize he had a woman, though some part of me recalls Trixie saying something about a woman named Susan.”
She chuckled. “Trixie’s funny like that. She insists on calling me by my full name these days.”
“So, why do you think they took us?”
“It’s part of some vendetta. Turk’s gonna be so pissed with me.”
I scoffed. “No. Why would you say that?”
Her rueful chuckle filled the small space. “Because he told me to stay home –hell, he’d wanted me at the clubhouse Friday and Saturday. Since I was safe all day both days, I argued there was no reason to stay home from work. I mean, I hate letting these things dictate my life.”
“How did they get you? Yak had you at the clubhouse last I heard.”
“Prime brought me here,” I muttered.
“Prime? What?”
I explained about my therapy appointment. When I finished I felt around the door with my bound hands. “Any chance of us getting out of here?”
“I’m not sure. I just broke out of my zip tie when they threw you in here. Scared the shit out of me, thought they might have seen me get loose.” She gasped. “Speaking of that, give me your hands, I’ll get you free.”
I shook my head. “How could you possibly do that? And in the dark?”
I could hear the smile in her voice. “Not long after Turk claimed me, he insisted I learn self-defense techniques. Fat lot of good they did me since that asshole Ghost tased me from behind, but in that training I learned three ways to get out of zip ties, and one of them is shimming.”
Her hands gripped mine, then moved to my wrist. I felt her tracing around the tie to find the ends.
“That tickles,” I whispered.
“It won’t in a minute,” she whispered back.
Suddenly I felt the strap loosen and my hands were free. “Wow. That’s awesome. I’d say I want to learn that, but I’m not planning on getting abducted again any time soon.”
“Right,” she whispered and stopped short.
Voices could be heard and they were growing louder. “I can’t believe you forgot to gag her, you moron. The Riot really will give anyone a patch.”
Suzy stood, cupped her hands around my ear, and whispered a plan to me.
The moment the door opened, we charged forward surprising Ghost and Prime.
I blinked against the bright light of the room, and grabbed Prime’s wrists. He had a gun, but I’d caught him off guard and managed to shove his arms upward. He squeezed the trigger. Bits of ceiling fell around us like snow.
My ears were ringing like a gong had been clanged inside my brain.
Prime tried to push my hands down. He shifted his body, forcing me to shift with him. I saw Suzy struggling with Ghost. He suddenly doubled over, clutching his groin and stomach. Taking her lead, I lifted my knee, but Prime evaded me.
Fear gripped me because I wouldn’t be able to hold him like this much longer.
I heard men yelling, but my ears were still ringing. Two men in tactical police gear barged into the room.
I let go of Prime. An officer charged in front of him.
Suzy grabbed my hand and shuffled us to the side of the room.