Page 95 of Fighting a Riot

After Turk left, Lisa grinned at Yak and Nora. “Onto a happier topic… well, maybe not. But Rage and I are thinking about a wedding. Who do you recommend for flowers and stuff? If it’s tacky of me to ask –just say so.”

Nora’s body jerked with a single chuckle. “I can tell you which DJ not to use.”

Yak wanted to shut the conversation down, but Nora seemed thrilled to talk wedding shit. He hated being reminded of what that asshole did to her.

When he heard Nora talk about daisies and wedding planners, he stood. “I’m catching a nap. Don’t go anywhere without me, Nora.”

The smile she shot at him made his breath catch. Even fighting such a horrible disease, she was radiant. He loved that about her. No, he loved her. He couldn’t deny it anymore. But he couldn’t tell her yet, either.

Her words pulled him from his monumental thoughts.

“Cool, Noah. I may take one too. I didn’t sleep that well last night.”


Late on Monday afternoon, Yak had to go back to Platinum’s. I convinced him we should shower together before he left. Our shower didn’t end up being the fun-time I had in mind because my hair started falling out. Yet, it was good he was with me for that. I kept myself from dwelling on the hair loss and focused on him.

His fingers lifted my chin. I couldn’t avoid his gaze. “Don’t bottle up your feelings, Nora. You can let it all hang out with me. And, you’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. Want me to teach you how to tie your wrap doo-rag style?”

I chuckled. “Maybe later. You have places to be.”

He nodded. “All right, princess. You gotta lay low and stay here. I know this shit sucks, but I think Trixie’s around. Text her after I leave.”

“I will. And… thanks for being so understanding, Noah.”

His eyes widened. “There’s nothing to thank me for, Elenora. Now give me a kiss.”

After he left, Trixie texted and encouraged me to join her in the common room since a couple of the other old ladies were there. I suddenly wished I had taken Yak up on his offer to help me with my headwrap.

Can you come up to Yak’s room? Just you…I need some help.

“You look gorgeous. This lavender color brings out the green of your eyes, girlfriend,” Trixie said to my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

“Thanks, Trixie. You’re—”

She wagged a finger at me. “Ah, ah, ah, don’t finish that. I’m goin’ back downstairs so you have a moment to yourself. You got this shit, Nora. Join us when you’re ready.”

Five minutes later, I walked into the common room and sat next to Mallory at the bar.

“I love your headwrap! I’m surprised you didn’t go for a wig, though,” Mallory said, sipping her merlot.

“It wasn’t for lack of trying,” Trixie said from the other side of Mallory.

I smiled. “Thanks, this one was a gift from my brother. After visiting the wig shop, I worried about having to adjust a wig and stuff.” My eyes darted to Trixie. “And it was more like not for a lack of you trying on wigs.”

Something like concern filled Mallory’s eyes. “She took you to a wig shop?”

I nodded. “Yep, after my first chemo treatment. It was… more fun than I expected.”

Trixie put her beer bottle down. “I don’t like the way you said that. Why wouldn’t it be fun? Get to have a new ‘do every day. That’s awesome.”

“That’s true… for you,” Mallory said, her tone gentle. I wasn’t sure if that gentleness was for me or Trixie.

“What are you saying woman?” Trixie demanded.

Mallory rolled her eyes. “I’m saying it might not be so fun for Nora.”

“Which is why I went with her to the wig shop.”