Page 81 of Fighting a Riot

He traced his nose alongside mine. “Gotta take care of the condom. Don’t move.”

With a single nod, I said, “Fat chance of that. I’m pretty sure you turned my whole body to mush, Noah.”

When he returned to the bed, I eyed his many tattoos. “You’re going to let me have my way with you, Yak. I want to take in all of your tattoos with my fingers and my tongue.”

His eyes closed and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Woman, do not make me hard again. That was my last condom.”

I grinned up at him. “Won’t need one if I get to return the favor of oral.”

He shook his head. “Nope. Not tonight. You put that luscious mouth on me, I’ll lose my mind.”


“That means I’ll have to get inside that sweet pussy.”

“No, it really doesn’t, Noah. It’ll be good to test your restraint.”

He gave me a squeeze. “We’ll see about that, darlin’.”

Late the next morning, Yak and I came back to the house. Roll needed one of us to be at the carriage house for the window company. Seemed he couldn’t get Cal and Vamp to replace the window because they were booked solid for the rest of the week.

Luckily, the other company arrived right on time and completed the job without any complications.

We’d finished eating lunch when Yak pulled his phone from its holster. “Shit.”


He cast his eyes to the side for a moment before meeting mine. “I forgot I have to be somewhere this afternoon and into the evening.”

I glanced at my phone. “Well, it’s still early afternoon, it’s not a big deal. I’ll just—”

His brows arched. “You’re gonna have to go with me. Not leaving you alone in this house, Nora.”

After a deep breath, I gave him a closed-lip smile. “Not to relive it or anything, but I shot the one guy in the foot.”

He tilted his head to the side and widened his eyes. “Not helping there, Nora.”

I sighed. “Where are we going then?”

“Friend of mine is opening her own furniture store –this is her grand-opening party.”

I couldn’t hide my confusion. “What’s the big deal? That sounds like fun.”

“You’ll deny it, but you look tired, and I’d rather stay in.”

He was right, and it scared me how easily he could read me. “I’m not that tired, and this will be fun. I take it she isn’t part of the Riot?”

The rich sound of his laughter sent a curl of warmth through me. “Oh, she’s part of the Riot all right. She’s Rage’s woman and her older brother is the Sergeant-at-Arms for our Biloxi chapter. You might get to meet him, too, if we stay long enough.”

“Why wouldn’t we stay long enough?”

He dipped his chin. “You said you weren’t that tired, which means you are tired –so we’re cutting it short.”

I twisted my lips. “I didn’t peg you for being so overbearing. The night of the attack was one thing, but this… this is getting out of hand.”

His strong hands wrapped around my shoulders. “Keeping you healthy isn’t me being overbearing, Nora.”

I nodded. “You’re right. Thanks, Yak.”