Steel threaded through my voice. “No, Mom. Not yet.”
“What do you mean, not yet? That’s crazy talk, Elenora.”
“It is a consult, Mom. Save your time off for when I really need you.”
She blew out a breath and I knew she was on the verge of crying.
“Don’t cry yet either, Momma.”
“Oh, and you break out the ‘momma’!”
I chuckled. “Mom!”
“My girl. Shit! I’ve been where you are.”
I did a slow nod. “Yeah. Twenty-five years ago or so. There are new treatments, proton therapy, things like that. I have two consult appointments lined up.”
“Why not three?”
“Mom. I’ll schedule a third if neither of these two are worth while, but seriously. I did my research from the moment they took the biopsy. Once I know more, I’ll fill you in.”
“Don’t you dare talk about this like I’m some entry on your desk calendar, Elenora Rose. You call me every night this week.”
I stared up at the ceiling. “Mom. When Destin called things off, he also kicked me out. I’ve just moved into a very small, but new-to-me apartment.”
She spluttered for a moment. “Oh, I am so flying down there.”
“Mom, don’t. If anything, you could help me more by trying to get my money back –for me. I don’t want anything going back to Destin, not if I can help it.”
“As I recall, you were the one footing all these bills on your credit cards. I don’t know if you’ll get your deposits, but… You didn’t give him back the ring, did you?”
I glanced down at my left hand. “No. I didn’t.”
“Good, don’t. I get down there we’re hitting a jeweler for an appraisal. Then if they won’t take it, we’ll go to a decent pawn shop.”
This week had been a whopper, so by Thursday evening, I was beyond done with it. Monday, I had hustled into work an hour early, blocked out a ‘meeting’ with my boss, John, and shared with him about my wedding being called off. During our conversation, I’d hesitated too much.
“If there’s something else going on here, Nora, you can share with me.”
I did my best to diplomatically tell him one of my coworkers was involved with Destin.
“Is it Mia?” he asked.
My eyes widened. “What? How did you—”
John grimaced. “You didn’t know they were involved. You’ve only been here a couple years, but it always feels like you’ve been here from the start. Yeah, shortly before you joined us, Blake found out Destin and Mia were an item, and threw down the no-fraternization rule. They called it off, though there were rumors that Mia wanted him to leave the company. He wouldn’t. But that’s all speculation.”
I nodded once. “Then I joined the firm, he put in his notice, and asked me out on his last day.”
John shook his head. “That sums it up. Though I can’t believe Mia would do that to you. Especially after our discussion last week.”
Last week, I’d informed John about my looming health issues which forced a conversation with Mia since she’d have to pick up the slack if I needed to take any time off.
“I was shocked, too. Though, I’d had no idea they shared a history. Bottom line, I won’t let it impact my work.”
John smiled. “No, you’re probably the most unflappable admin I’ve ever had, Nora. Why don’t you take Friday off?”
I shook my head. “No, I’d rather save my days off—”