Mallory glanced at Trixie and hesitated. “You have a way of taking over a situation.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Trixie and Mallory were friendly, but I sensed Trixie was ready to blow.
I chuckled. “You did make that trip all about you. I had to talk you out of buying five wigs instead of the one you had to have.”
Mallory chuckled. “There you go! She bought a wig and you didn’t. Trixie always takes over a situation.”
After she finished her beer, Trixie said, “Whatever. We had fun. Just wait until Halloween.” Her eyes lit on me. “You’re gonna have to up your game Nora.”
“What?” I asked.
Mallory grinned. “Oh God, you’re right!”
Trixie’s grin was devilish. “Yak’s birthday is right around Halloween. He does it up big on costumes. Last year he was Abraham Drinkin’.”
My brows furrowed.
Mallory nodded. “That was hysterical. He wore a top hat he made from beer cans.”
“It was so impressive, Volt and Jackie’s daughter Simone told her first grade teacher that the man on the penny is Abe Drinkin’. Jackie was fit to be tied, she was so embarrassed,” Trixie cackled.
Mallory grimaced. “You can’t blame her though. It’s not fun when your own kid makes you sound like you party all the time.”
Trixie gave Mallory a sideways glance. “But they do, Mallory. Volt’s a biker, for fuck’s sake. There was nothing to be embarrassed about.” Trixie caught my gaze. “Yak had to drink like a full case of beer to get all those cans.”
My eyes widened. “That sounds like a hazard.”
“It was,” Yak said from behind me. He looped his arms around me. “I’m thinking this year, I’ll resurrect Captain Yak Sparrow.”
I laughed and looked over my shoulder at him. “Seriously? A pirate?”
He nodded. “I came up with that costume the year I got the Kia Rio. Teach –our last president– gave me a bumper sticker that proclaimed me as the Pirate of the Car-I-be-in.”
I groaned and chuckled.
Trixie pointed at us, smiling at Yak. “And that’s why I love her for you.”
My heart skipped a beat at the L-word.
Yak’s arms tightened around me. “Trix, you’re getting to be as bad as Abby. Never thought I’d see the day.”
Trixie slid off her bar stool. “There are worse things I could be.”
Mallory and Trixie were back in the common room, along with Andrea, the following Monday. I sensed they weren’t pleased about it, but at the same time they were resigned to it because nobody wanted to endure what Ava went through over a week ago.
I plopped down on the end of a couch when my cell rang. My physical therapy group’s number showed up on the display and I answered.
“Nora, this is Julia. Would it be possible to have you come in for your therapy treatment this afternoon at two? The office won’t be open tomorrow afternoon for your scheduled appointment due to a training meeting.”
On the one hand missing my appointment wouldn’t be the end of the world, but on the other hand, it was crazy how much having a lymph node removed impacted my range of motion in my shoulder. “Can I call you right back? I need to see if that will work with someone else’s schedule.”
“No problem. If today doesn’t work, we’ll fit you in later in the week.”
I looked at Trixie. “What are the chances one of you can take me to Fleming Island for physical therapy this afternoon?”
Trixie frowned. “I have to get to Relax or I’d take you no matter what the brothers say.”