“I can’t stand the idea of coming in your mouth. I’m damn sure not gonna come and not be the one who gets you off at the same time.” He gave my upper thigh a slight swat. “Take care of the repercussions, woman.”
I smiled for a moment, then I got back to work. It didn’t take long for him to get me off since going down on him was such a turn-on. Seemed Yak felt the same way about going down on me, because it didn’t take much longer to send him over the edge. If these were the repercussions from having my way, I’d deal with these everyday, and gladly.
Chapter 16
Normal Is Overrated
Four days later, the brothers filed into the meeting room for church. The somber mood mingled with an air of relief, or maybe it was just Yak who felt relieved. The women–dancers and old ladies alike–were safe, and Prime, the traitor, was behind bars.
Volt called the meeting to order. “The district attorney is focusing on bringing down the Devil Lancers. From what Bernstein –the club lawyer– can tell us, Prime worked a plea deal for lesser charges.”
“Fuckin’ coward,” Turk muttered.
Volt’s lips tipped up. “Right, but that means his charges aren’t so severe that a judge would deny bail. Five minutes ago, Patch’s contact at the jail called. He’s gonna fill us in when he gets off the phone.”
Roll frowned. “Do we know if Prime’s posting bail? If he isn’t, he’ll end up being moved to the prison soon too, right?”
“He should, but that slippery fucker will probably work some deal on that shit too,” Blood said.
“I’ll post his bail,” Turk said in a vicious tone.
“Not if I post it first,” Yak said.
“No,” Volt said firmly to keep other brothers from chiming in. “I’m putting it to a vote. The club will post his bail.”
Razor cleared his throat. “I’m all for stripping this asshole’s patch and any other form of retribution Yak and Turk want, but we post the bail, there will be a paper trail.”
Blood nodded. “And that’s money down the drain, not to mention they typically want some form of collateral.”
Volt said, “One more thing Bernstein heard is that Prime’s mom has been arrested.”
“Why?” Liar asked.
Yak leveled his gaze on Liar. “That bitch works at the physical therapy firm Nora goes to –but a different location. She called the other office for Nora’s contact info, spouting bullshit about Nora thinking of changing offices. That’s how Prime got to her, since she was convinced her appointment had changed.”
Liar shook his head. “How do you know all that? Prime sure as hell didn’t admit to it.”
Yak took a deep breath to get his anger in check. “When Nora got her phone back from the cops late that night, she saw the confirmation text from the PT office for a Tuesday appointment, and we knew something was wrong. Nora mentioned it to the cops and first thing the next morning, we found out the truth.”
Beast whistled. “So, that fuckin’ coward sacrificed his mother.”
Volt nodded. “You bet he did. Let’s stay focused though, Blood makes a good point: we bail his ass out, we won’t get the cash back.”
Beast sat back in his seat. “There’s another option. Heard this morning that two of the Southside Slayers are in jail for selling meth. We could get them to—”
“Then we’d owe them a marker,” Cal said. “I don’t want to owe them and they’d probably do us wrong.”
Punc, who stood against the wall, stepped forward. “I’ll get arrested and handle it.”
A mixture of confusion and annoyance crossed Volt’s face. “Even if you could arrange that, why the hell would you?”
Punc’s jaw clenched. “That asshole didn’t just turn against us. He fuckin’ arranged for sweet Ava to be beaten. Turning off monitors and shit.”
Turk’s brows rose. “‘Sweet Ava’? What is that?”
Punc glanced away.